Please Clear this Up Once and for All - Alliance War Defense Boosts

Can we please clear this up once and for all? I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find the official discussion that I saw. There's still a lot of confusion about whether Alliance War Defender rating is affected by Champion Boosts. Most of the confusion comes in by the fact that when you do use a boost when you place your defense, that the boosted PI shows throughout the War. My understanding has always been that this was a visual bug only, and that boosts do not affect your defender rating, and therefore the points you earn at the conclusion of a War. I'd either like confirmation from one of the Kabam support team, or a link to such an "official" confirmation. While I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, the only answer I'll accept as true at this point is from an official member of Kabam. There's too much difference of opinion on this for me to accept anything other than that.
In the meantime.. You could snap a pic of your personal defense rating before a boost, then apply your boost and snap a pic. Then place your champs. Once your alli has fully placed (assuming no one else boosted).. Tally up your full alli defender rating and see if it matches with your pre or post boost pictures. Then compare all that with the post war defender rating on the results screen. It might show you the true answer. I haven't tried this yet bc your post just made me think of it. But I think I'll try it next war.
That depends whether they effect defender rating scores.
If they do it's not a waste
That was definitely the case in the previous iteration of AWs. Is it possible that it would have a different effect on this AW?
they do increase Defender Rating.
I'll post results here and in our Infinity Watch line groups. It seems like the only way to know for sure.
Boosts do currently work if you activate them prior to confirming your placed champions, but will only last until they expire. It's good for that bit of an edge on the front lines of your defense, assuming they go that way while attacking.
Even after they expire, the PI still reflects the increase. Does this help with your final score in War, or is this a visual glitch only?
THis doesn't answer the question. Is the increased PI of boosted champs reflect in the end score?
A visual glitch. The PI returns to normal. Once you hit the pre-fight screen, it should show the correct/expected power.
It's NOT a visual glitch, the Defender Rating boost from using boosts prior to placing does help.
Why do you think most top alliances are all popping major boosts for the Diversity Parade "wars"???
I've tested and confirmed this multiple times now.
1)turn on boost
2)select and place champs
if the other alliance attacks one of my defense champs while the boost is still active, then my champs still have that boost during those first few fights???
Yes, that's what I've always understood. But that's a small Window, better hope all your champs are up front.
I'd still really like my original question answered. Do the boosts help your final score in War with Defender rating.
If that is what is intended, then it is currently NOT WORKING as intended. The boosted defender rating POINTS will carry through the entire war until the end. The way to win wars is throw on a bunch of boosts before placing because the increased defender rating points decide who wins the war (at 150 diversity and full bg clears).
Sorry for the confusion. While what I listed above is how the system is meant to work, it's obvious that at least in perception this isn't quite how it's working. We're gonna take this back to the team right now, and have them take a look. We'll let you guys know as soon as we can if this is still how it is working, or if there is some effect on scores from Boosts placed during the Defense Placement stage.
On another note, lower tiered alliance here: How is defense rating affected? How strong your champs are? Does placing certain champs on certain nodes affect that at all?
Some of the top spending alliances are able to reset their masteries, whack on suicide boosts, place their defence then reset their masteries again and take them off.
This again leads to an inflated defender rating as boosts + masteries + synergies = high defender rating.
Downside ... they don't know if it's working as intended.
It's been 7 weeks since new AW was launched. Bout time it's being looked into
To be fair, they didn't understand the issue until yesterday despite people asking about it for over a month.
this issue tells me that while you may have some QA guys who are high end players, none of them are in super competitive alliances in the top 100. this issue with boosts and their impact on scoring has been known to the top 100 (and well beyond that) since the new war came out, and it was very clear after the first war results came out.
i hope your response to this issue is that you will directly seek out the feedback of those in highly competitive alliances. if there is something broken with the game, it will have been figured out in those circles first, trust me. so here we are, reaching out asking for a voice with your dev team. not asking to be catered to, but more offering our help and opinions so that you can retain top end players and this game we all love has a long and successful life.
that is the proper response to this issue, that and bringing back defender kills.
the wrong response would be to beef up the nodes and keep going with the current scoring system.
So you’ve depleted your stash of boosts and have to buy new ones every war, plus mastery change costs... simply participating in Alliance War will cost you ~300 units per war with no guarantee of winning. 300 units for a chance at 700 5* shards. Forcing people to pay just to participate.
Kabam might as well offer us a shard deal — 1 Odin for a chance of 7000 5* shards, but the amount of shards received is on a downward sliding scale dependent solely on the defender rating of your current roster, and therefore only 1 alliance can get all 7k. That’s a deal not many people would buy.
Defender rating should be calculated by champ prestige + synergy only.
It’s insane. People are being forced to spend thousands of units per month to cover their ass just in case an opponent uses boosts to inflate their defender rating and wins the war because of that tiebreaker.
So if everyone’s doing it (and everyone at the top is), then defender rating still ultimately comes down to prestige and synergy only instead of prestige, synergy, masteries, and boosts. So what’s the point?
Forcing spenders to buy things they don’t want to buy usually results in resentful spenders not spending on other things they’d normally want to buy.