Let’s guess the next buffs!

Hey there y’all, I want to play a prediction game. From each class, name one character that you think will get buffed, when the next buff rotation in hers.
Here’s my list:
Cosmic: Heimdall
Skill: Karnak
Mutant: Beast
Mystic: Dormmamu
Tech: Green Goblin
Science: Og Spidey
Here’s my list:
Cosmic: Heimdall
Skill: Karnak
Mutant: Beast
Mystic: Dormmamu
Tech: Green Goblin
Science: Og Spidey
Cosmic- superior Ironman
Skill- Agent venom
Mutant- Deadpool X or beast
Mystic- maybe they redo guillotine
Tech- iron patriot
Science- sentry
Cosmic: Groot (seriously, how this hasn't happened yet is beyond me)
Mutant: Mister Sinister
Science: Abom
Skill: Karnak
Tech: Yondu
Mystic: Strange
The next 3 rotations are 3 overhauls, 2 tuneups and 1 moderate. So this is what I’d like to see based on my roster
November - Overhaul/ tune up
Daredevil Classic sig 140 for the overhaul
Rogue sig 40 for tune up
December - overhaul/ moderate
Hulk sig 80 for the overhaul
Red skull for the moderate
January - overhaul/ tune up
Iron fist sig 20 for the overhaul
Annihulus sig 20 for the tune up
Iron Fist
Agent Venom
What we'll get.....a rework of Yondu that makes his arrow drain your health instead of the opponent
Hulk, Juggernaut, Dr. Strange, OG Thor, and OG Iron Man are my top picks in this order for overhauls.
Dormammu is my top pick for purely a numbers tune-up (and maybe the addition of 1 or 2 very small updates).
Tech: Red Skull
Mutant: Beast, but mutant class doesn't need buffs at the moment
Skill: Agent Venom
Science: SENTRY
Mystic: Iron Fist
Nebula for a value only
Most of them are still below average with a few good ones in between
Iron fist
Iron Patriot
OG Daredevil
Ms Marvel
Cap Marvel
Spidey sym etc
I'd like to see Iron Patriot get some godly update.
Skill:Nick Fury
Science:Cap IW
Mystic: Doctor Doom
They are going to get the guillotine treatment next!