Don't take away champion slots in quests when the game is still broken

So we only get to bring in two champs to this side quest, while you know there is an ongoing issue with input on parry/dex AND a separate issue with frame rates that causes fights to bug out randomly, and the quest is locked by an item for entry.
How is this anything but an absolute item sink? It's incredibly unfair to the players, if the game engine screws up just twice (the probability is very high that it will), then both champs are out and need revives. This is just so poorly thought out given the context of the game right now, and so unbelievably frustrating when I'm having to waste revives on a quest that wouldn't even be that difficult if the game were functioning properly. Stop designing quests and content for the theoretical situation where the game is running perfectly, because we know that the game won't be back to normal until at least next year.
How is this anything but an absolute item sink? It's incredibly unfair to the players, if the game engine screws up just twice (the probability is very high that it will), then both champs are out and need revives. This is just so poorly thought out given the context of the game right now, and so unbelievably frustrating when I'm having to waste revives on a quest that wouldn't even be that difficult if the game were functioning properly. Stop designing quests and content for the theoretical situation where the game is running perfectly, because we know that the game won't be back to normal until at least next year.