How would you improve Cav EQ?

RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
edited October 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
If Other, please state why.

How would you improve Cav EQ? 61 votes

Improve class node interactions
dot_dittoScrubhanDarkKnight646 3 votes
Mix classes within the same quest
GarloMobile_P0tat0 2 votes
Add cutscenes for a better UX
MoosetiptronicRookiieBuffBeastGrassKnucklesDetective_Pikachu 5 votes
Buff the rewards
Hort4Jwallace25SungjOliverJWkikiFurieuxAgentDoom9yuwMreyay2234JakearoundDurgentimeMpa95NapaHeroJeal79RabangaPHJfinCtuchikEtherionGodTimeGenesisRU11011Skydad23 45 votes
Raichu626BeeweeErcarretIronGladiator22SkyLord7000SirGamesBond 6 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    Buff the rewards

    I don't think cav quests need a buff tbh. I think its the side quests that are the issue


    I wouldn’t mind more rewards though lol

  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Add cutscenes for a better UX
    I would love cutscenes, or mixing classes within the same quest for a change but I can see how that could pose a nightmare for the quest designers
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★
    I don’t exactly know what, but something to differentiate between them. They feel pretty similar month to month and it can get a little boring
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 266 ★★
    Mix classes within the same quest
    Mix classes, with only one class is boring and repetitive.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    edited October 2021
    Buff the rewards
    Rookiie said:

    I would love cutscenes, or mixing classes within the same quest for a change but I can see how that could pose a nightmare for the quest designers

    That would make it longer. I use the same team for all my exploration in each quest barring unique fights like Mephisto. That way I just press replay until the quest is done. Having to build a team each time is not something I want
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Add cutscenes for a better UX
    I personally would love cutscenes
    I really look forward to the motion comics every month and seeing the stories done in that style would enhance Cav EQ in my eyes
    It would really make us feel part of the story, instead of illustrating it through those silly stances and speech balloons
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Make new buff nodes that aren't based on classes for once. How about sizes?
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    This will be very controversial but I think for Cav and up they should scrap the monthly EQ and put more time in designing Side Quests. Boosting the rewards for less grind and hopefully more difficulty. I’d keep it for lower difficulty’s though as maybe new players need a simple start to the game. Just getting bored of the games constant grind. I think that switching this to something more innovative will be fun. Still more interested for that new solo mode.

    Everyone has different preferences and maybe some like the grind, I’d rather have fun.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,266 ★★★★★
    Shorten it
  • This content has been removed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian

    This will be very controversial but I think for Cav and up they should scrap the monthly EQ and put more time in designing Side Quests. Boosting the rewards for less grind and hopefully more difficulty. I’d keep it for lower difficulty’s though as maybe new players need a simple start to the game. Just getting bored of the games constant grind. I think that switching this to something more innovative will be fun. Still more interested for that new solo mode.

    Everyone has different preferences and maybe some like the grind, I’d rather have fun.

    The issue here is the monthly quest is part of the core progressional path for the game. Cav EQ's rewards and grind time are balanced to be a step up from UC, which is a step up from Master, and so on. Shifting to something radically different has the potential to strand players and make it a lot more difficult for them to move up from early Cav to Thronebreaker.

    Nobody likes grinding, but the problem is no one likes to be roadblocked either. If you have one short difficult thing to do and you can't do it, you're stuck. If you have several long things to do all at different difficulty, you're more likely to be able to do some of it even if you can't do all of it, and you can still make incremental progress.

    One possible solution to this would be to build into the structure of the monthly quests a way for players who have vastly surpassed their difficulty to have a shorter but vastly more difficult way to gain exploration credit for them. There are already easy paths in Cav, they could design a hard path that was as difficult as doing everything combined that you could decide to attempt.

    However, even this has problems. If you allow players to blast through the content that quickly, then there's nothing for them to do for the rest of the month. The devs cannot fill the month with that kind of content because they can't pack that much rewards into one month, and because that would suck up all the content development time. There's be no time to do anything else. And even if you magically could do this, you'd ironically be back where you started, where people would be complaining that the month was full of super hard content and if they didn't do all of it they would fall behind everyone else. It would be ironically grindy again.

    Ultimately, people complain about grinding but they stick around regardless. If we give them a path to doing everything quickly,.they won't complain about the grind but they will quit out of boredom. Game operators choose to have players that complain but continue playing rather than have players who are happy but disengaged and easily walk away.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Game operators choose to have players that complain but continue playing rather than have players who are happy but disengaged and easily walk away.

    I have a problem with that statement only because it leads me to believe that Kabam can make decisions, good or bad (I’m leaning towards bad), and can get away with it because they know they will have players who will stay so it doesn’t matter what they do.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    Siliyo said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Game operators choose to have players that complain but continue playing rather than have players who are happy but disengaged and easily walk away.

    I have a problem with that statement only because it leads me to believe that Kabam can make decisions, good or bad (I’m leaning towards bad), and can get away with it because they know they will have players who will stay so it doesn’t matter what they do.
    No, that's not what that means. It means game operators care about what players do, not what they claim. A player who claims they want to see X and hates Y, but always plays games with Y and avoids games with X, is voting with their actions for more games to have Y and fewer games to have X. The fact that they *say* they want more X and less Y means nothing. Or rather, it means almost nothing compared to their actions.

    Game operators don't "get away" with game decisions. Games die all the time. They die when players stop playing them, or stop supporting them. They never die when players complain about them too much. Game operators are not immune to criticism and feedback. They are extremely vulnerable and accountable to criticism and feedback. But the kind that actually affects the game is the kind that actually affects the game.

    If the game is too difficult, they will lose players and revenue. If the game is too easy, they will lose players and revenue. If the game is too grindy they will lose players and revenue, and if the game is too sparse and not engaging they will lose players and revenue. It isn't easy to make a successful game, and even harder to maintain that success. A lot of the things people claim to hate in this game are also responsible for its ongoing success, and that is why those things don't change dramatically over time.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I don't necessarily think the EQ needs a buff but it would be nice if there was a new Thronebreaker-level difficulty to the sidequests. I think the sidequest kind of straddles the line between what Cav and Tb difficulty could be, but with Cavalier rewards. I've been able to complete all of my runs so far (and I don't anticipate that to change going forward unless I change quest and face a new boss), but I can see how it would be way too difficult for a newly-minted Cav to do daily. There's a huge gap even among TB players in terms of what kind of challenge they can complete on a daily basis, and I think the only real way forward is to introduce a new difficulty. Increasing the existing difficulty is just going to 1) screw over Cavs and 2) make TBs annoyed because the Cav-level rewards are not worth grinding for.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Garlo said:

    Mix classes, with only one class is boring and repetitive.

    This I disagree with,’s the way the game is going because Kabam obviously can’t buff all of the irrelevant champs in the game quickly enough. They are currently releasing more champs then they are buffing, so it can make even the Kamala’s and the Rhinos useful in the game. Haven’t looked into 7.3 yet but if they didn’t do this same approach then it’s a fail …imo
  • Demon_was_taken23Demon_was_taken23 Member Posts: 10
    Buff the rewards
    The fact that you need to explore to get anything worth value is kinda stupid and annoying. Especially for someone like me who only recently got cav. Can’t get many worth while rewards for the recourses
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