Miles Morales

Now since its been 1 month since his buff... What are your thoughts on miles buff?? Havent seen people talking about his buff beside seatin ... UKM has posted an awesome video about him which is really made me rank him up and his buff is really nice... ofcourse against unblockable its like bgt but beside he now really is usable in normal gameplay ( i know lot of core miles fans wanted it to be more ) but still his buff is really nice ...!!! What are your thoughts?? Have you been using him?
Aggressive? Passive? His rotations??
Agressive? Parry heavy??
You could say I’m a fan. I use him all the time, he’s a lot of fun and he hits like an absolute freight train. I just did my 7.2 exploration this past week and he was a workhorse for it
This is kinda like Magik limbo. Limbo is just the ability that triggers multiple other one's. Kinda like Spider-Camo.
If the limbo was immune to AA modifications, it would only allow the limbo ability (icon) to trigger as often as stated. The regeneration and damage would still be affected by AAR.
Another example would be Darkhawk mode's. They will always trigger, but the other abilities from the modes can fail.
His camo is definitely bugged and the effectiveness is not affected by AAR. That's like saying that while Ghost is phasing, her miss chance can fail because of AAR. As far as I can tell, abilities like miss don't work that way anywhere.
I won't rank the 5* unless he gets a decent sig level naturally, but I'd get some good use out of a 6r1 if I pulled him.
Very happy with him.
i got him from the featured
- The ramp charges should have been reduced (the synergy should have been in his base kit)
- His rupture debuff should have stacked
- And a means to pause or refresh his passive fury. His fury damage was locked in his signature ability and high sig for that matter, the pay off should have be worth it by a pause or refresh mechanic.
This would have made his usage more encouraged in non-niche situations. A normal champ we can use eveeryday and enjoy.
It's funny how Kabam say they try to help change the meta of playable champs with certain nodes and the likes (esp in AW) yet miss such opportunities to give us fun and enjoyable champs that can serve as reliable alternatives to the same champs most people seem to use.