New drop rates by accident

When we are at rank 4 champs nowadays, especially thronebrakers, is it so gamebraking a 5-6% chance for a six star at cavalier crystal? Its 300 units each (or 10$). I know, drop rates know was by mistake, but it would be nice to consider to keep them, because 5* now for an endgame means only iso. Maybe that will bring back the interest for cavaliers.
I dont want to sound arrogant at my post, i just say that 5-6% of a 6* champ (at a pool of 200+ champions) it’s something that should stay at game.
I dont want to sound arrogant at my post, i just say that 5-6% of a 6* champ (at a pool of 200+ champions) it’s something that should stay at game.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Secondly, cavs are one of the worst values you could get for spending in this game
Personally, they need to start updating opportunities for more champs and benefits for thronebreaker instead of putting effort into whatever that relic system is they mentioned
Sadly if you do end up buying them, it is your fault and you live with the consequences, good or bad (it is 95% bad).
What proof have you they don’t? I’m not saying they do. But it’s not unimaginable or unlikely they do. Maybe they even lie with numbers. Maybe it is ~5% chance to get a 6*. But maybe all 6* are not weighted the same. Maybe your 100 times more likely to pull groot over apocalypse? This isn’t even defined as they’re not required to share what 6*s you’re more likely to pull. Businesses can and do mislead and bend the truth regularly. Especially when no one can prove it…
I can make it more simple tho.
If I were a business I’d seek the Avenue that would allow me to extract the maximum amount of money from my patrons. And I’d hope they’d take the approach that “this is all on the up and up. There’s no evidence I’m being misled, I completely trust this entity that’s trying to extract my funds. Anyone that even suggests they may be doing something against my own interests is simply a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” I wouldn’t even have to show proof of my work. Since these guys advocate for me.
I mean it’s not like a company never got caught manipulating drop rates to favor people that spend. So they’d never manipulate them in any other ways. Right?
Calm as Hindu cows.
Drop rates can be changed in real time… if they wanted to tier out internally champs into high. Medium and low. Then weight the chance of pulling a “high” tier champ within the 6* % of getting a drop from a cav they could. This is just a fact.
I gotta tell you. I would. I regularly find myself in yield meetings and discussing strategy on profit…. I would do this…. Lol. The goal is to make money while providing a service. If I can do both wel without losing faith of the consumer because I don’t have to show them it’s not 100% “fair” why not?