Event Quest and Story mode parry/dex control issues compensation

It's great that we keep getting regular AQ and AW compensation in light of the poor game control issues, but where's the compensation in form of normal revives and health potions for regular content? Especially with the release of 7.3, I've personally spent a lot of revives and health potions making my way through the story content (as well as EQ) caused by game control issues.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
My question is, which will ultimately cost you more? Giving these non alliance compensations and earning some faith back from your customers or the not giving them and more people continue to leave the game because they are so frustrated and feel like they are totally being ignored.
Is there a rational reason for what appears to be a stubborn refusal to offer up more solo relief?
Dr. Zola
I wouldn’t want to be on the other side, trying to figure out fair solution that doesn’t hurt bottom line, but overall situation is unfair to summoners as forums make clear on daily basis.
Idk if it’s easy to “whip up” but something that helps convert excess AQ resources into story or AW resources seems like it could help and avoid providing those resources on same regular schedule you provide the AQ stuff. If that’s in fact the problem re. normal revives/pots etc. Or just a less frequent schedule acknowledging the higher value of non-AQ resources.
It makes no sense to not give solo content packages unless the only thing they are looking at is how much money they can make off of the problems in solo content. The very least they could do is respond to our many posts about this issue with an explanation of why they refuse to provide fair compensation. The only reason I can think of that they won't after all this time and all these posts is because they don't want to tell us they are just looking at it from a revenue perspective.
Increased communication and not deleting our posts about the recent issues so much of the time would be greatly appreciated and might help with the players' feelings towards you guys. As a slight aside, but relevant to the communication problems around these issues, I posted a little bit ago asking for clarification on what the new rules for the forum were since so many people's posts have been deleted with no explanation when they don't violate the posted rules. A mod closed the post and said there are no changes and if I have issues with moderation to pm the mods. I sent that mod a pm as directed asking how I was supposed to get in touch with the mods as he said and actually get a response, because I have tried many times and they never respond, and shocker.... I got no response. This is not a good way to treat your players.
Those who don't count on health/revives items would not suddenly need it because you gave them. Those who always need health/revives for power though would not gain much advantages if they don't understand the nodes/fight styles of tough counters. It's a gesture and policy consistency issue.