Event Quest and Story mode parry/dex control issues compensation



  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    Can the team at least make a provision for exchanging AQ/AW resources for general questing revives/potions. May help many who have no use for AQ/AW items.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★
    We've had 3 or 4 AQ compensations since the last solo compensation came out. An update would be nice at least
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Why was this moved to the bugs forum? It isn't a post about notifying them of a bug it is a post about requesting potion/revive packages for single player content because of them. Easier to get buried in here I guess.
  • ZeraphanZeraphan Member Posts: 324 ★★★
    Crine60 said:

    Why was this moved to the bugs forum? It isn't a post about notifying them of a bug it is a post about requesting potion/revive packages for single player content because of them. Easier to get buried in here I guess.

    As much as I would hate to say this, this seems like an attempt to burry it so it isn't seen as much. This isn't a bug.

    If it is a "Known Issue" (other reason for this forum it is now in) then it is one that Kabam is ignoring and purposely not communicating on which makes it seem even worse.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Bury it? Of course they want to. Sure, the compensation is a joke, might help whales in tier 1/2 war or map 7 and soon to be 8 aq, I can run through 6 or less in my sleep. Cav eq was a walk through as well, now, it's a crapshoot, flip a coin. I've got 4 weeks of compensation stacked up that I claim when they expire.
  • FitnesscwFitnesscw Member Posts: 216 ★★
    The way I see it is why they are only compensating aq and aw. Problems are still in the whole game. Either send us revives and health potions with the other compensation every Wednesday or do something about the problems.

    Acknowledge us already!!!
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    There was a thread a few moments ago from someone who mentioned he just wanted the game he’d been playing for years back. As I was reading it, it got deleted.

    I don’t think this approach to moderation does the programmers doing the actual work any favors and only makes the game team appear tone deaf. If someone’s frustrated with the game (and rightfully so), let them vent and close the thread if it details.

    But I’ve got to believe the effort to erase vocal disappointment by wiping threads, burying them in the back pages or tagging them so they don’t update with the Recent Discussions tab only serves to erode the Community’s remaining trust.

    Dr. Zola

    The moderation is oppressive. I keep having posts that don't violate the rules deleted. I posted asking what the new rules are to follow to avoid getting things deleted with no explanation since they haven't updated the rules and that post got closed with instruction to pm mods with questions. I have pm'd mods as instructed and of course got no reply. It's a complete joke.

    I politely posted about the comment by a mod that it was impossible to update the glory store at the same time the other aq updates were made pointing out that it is in fact not literally impossible to do that if they chose to do so and even that got deleted with no explanation.

    Completely innocuous posts that don't violate any rules are apparently against the secret rules which they then refuse to disclose and tell you to pm them because why have open and honest communication with the player base. Then the refusal to respond to the pm just exacerbates everything.

    Since you can never know anymore what will remain on the forums they have become as unreliable as playing the game has. The game is because of bugs but this stuff with the forums is a willful choice they are making in how they treat us.
  • TherealdmoTherealdmo Member Posts: 54
    They didn’t drop any compensation for regular quests because they dropped 7.3 and a big side quest and even brought out special potion deals they admit how broke their game is but are going to let people who grind out new content and spend on those potions first then maybe they will drop that big comp again of 5 revives and some health potions 😆
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    I haven’t spent a dollar in months and won’t until the game works. How the company deals with this issue and compensates people that stayed, will determine a lot for the game in the future. MCOC can either get a shady wrap and it’s a slow trickle to the end. Or the company can fix the game. Compensate people properly. And work back to a point of trust. Pretty simple.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    Wow.... I'm just seeing now that my post got dumped into the Bugs and Known Issues section... What garbage. Moderation on this page is very sketchy.
    Well if the lack of NON ALLIANCE related compensation for the game issues is a Bug and Known issue, then what's the timeline on fixing/addressing it if we're going to go about it this way.
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