Daredevil HK possible bug

Daredevil HK’s passive states “sticks apprentice- while in this mode, attacks reduce the damage of the opponents passive degeneration and direct damage effects by 100% for .2 second(s)”
If this is true then when attacking into an opponent you should never be receiving any type of passive damage? Right? Kind of like when you have your rage debuff on you and you fight void and you just degen to death. Shouldn’t you be taking no damage while hitting into Void? I really hope I’m right as this would help DDHK very very much and we all know he needs some help.
If this is true then when attacking into an opponent you should never be receiving any type of passive damage? Right? Kind of like when you have your rage debuff on you and you fight void and you just degen to death. Shouldn’t you be taking no damage while hitting into Void? I really hope I’m right as this would help DDHK very very much and we all know he needs some help.
And it only happens when you're actively attacking so downtime for it will occur.
DDHK v Void is gonna hurt, since DDHKs rage Debuff counts for Voids abilities.
Imo the 0.20 second window for it is too small, double it and it would work alot better
He should be able to ignore the damage he gets from debuffs via Voids abilities.
It's like a diet Namor, instead of reflect, ignoration.