A simple fix

Kabam says there is no simple fix. I believe there is. They are making things worse and worse trying to be fair. I get that. I don't see why they can't over compensate for every member that is in an alliance. Give everyone a five star crystal. Or everyone 5 class t4 cats. Or a five star rank up package and an Awakening gem. I for one will not be upset if someone who didn't earn as much as me gets a sweet reward for thier screwup. If they wanna keep it fair becuz a few might complain about overcompensating it will be a lot less complaints than what they are getting with this mess. It seems to me that they only wanna give what is earned so that we will spend money to buy more stuff. It's not like they have to dig the crystals out of the ground or grow them. They are virtual,limitless, they aren't gonna run out of them. I'll bet every one of us will still spend what we would spend regardless. I for one would spend more just to make the extra sweet reward even better. It would boost moral. As of now I don't wanna spend a dime. Gimme sumn sweet and I'm gonna get stoked and want more.
Also it spoils you apparently. I don't see how giving everyone a 5 star Spidergwen prevents haters from hating. Most likely they saw that new user signups were not affected by handing out trinkets in response to the vocal 2% of the existing user base complaining. Opportunity cost is indeed a cost, especially when loaded into budgets as "anticipated monthly sales."
Actually they do have a cost, but the larger point I'm trying to make is compensation is usually appropriate to the issue. There's no way in AQ to get a 5* Crystal, 5* Gems and Ranking Materials, and 5 T4CC may be possible, but that would have to be some good RNG.
Every Reward in the game has a value.
That's not how it works. Everything has a value. It's not just copy-and-paste.
They will lose money. That's not the point of what I'm saying. What I'm saying is it has nothing to do with the issue caused.
I only got one reward which was nowhere close to what I earned
Secondly, they did give something extra. Allies that were misplaced received an entire week of Rewards on top of what they earned in the misplaced week. Allies that missed out on advancing were compensated as well. On top of what they earned.