A simple fix



  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    The subject I'm on is keep it simple. Pixels dont cost money. Happy people spend more than mad people. I'm losing faith in kabam. They screw up fixing a screw up
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Pixels do cost money.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I keep asking how
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Every pixel added is designed by someone. That costs money. Content is not generated by the flick of a button. It also has an In-Game Value that equates to real currency. There is a monetary value to content. Money is not necessary to play, but there is a value nonetheless. It also has a value that affects the entire system because Resources represent time, effort, and money. That affects the entire game system because it's designed for natural and balanced progression. They're not just pixels on the screen. They're hours of work. Not only for the Players to earn them, but for the team to design them. This is done with as much awareness of the overall system as possible because any imbalance in Resources affects the whole system. If they flooded the game with Resources for no reason, everyone would be affected because those Resources would make the system more challenging to earn more Resources. Balance. Take the Skirmish bug as an example. That was a huge issue because it literally broke the system and the economy in the game. Not because people got mass amounts of Gold. Of course there is also the fact that it was more than they were supposed to. The larger effect was that it threw the whole value system out of whack. They're not just imaginary pixels. People work to create them, balance them, and make sure they are earned and purchased evenly, and we work to earn them and buy them. They're not blips. They're countless hours of work in an interdependent system.
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017
    Original poster, continue spending your money on crack

    Everything has value, employees gotta get paid. Every single "free" item is $$$$ not made, which in business is different than money lost, but to you and me.. Same same

    You clearly said that you're a non spender, so you like myself have no real purpose in this game. Who are you benefitting by being here? Not kaSCAM. My time is valuable... To me... If I got paid $10/hr to play, I'd make over $100k/year. But I don't, and our free time has little value to a for profit company. I just wanted what my potential earnings would have been, which they finally came in.

    Just imagine all that nonsense you posted was given out. Can you imagine how angry the spenders would be? Especially the whales who spend ridiculous amounts of money for "pixels" for bums like you and me to close the gap with them even if it's ever so slightly? You speak of the angry 2%, guesswhat. That's the % of game whales, very few people infact spend money on here, the ones that do... It ridiculous how much they spend

    There's also the issue of increasing gains, if everything kabam made a boo boo but stepped up the "sorry rewards" eventually it would be not for profit and the game would be shut down. Human greed always wants more and more, and its never enough.

    All I'm saying is that if you ever own your own business, I'm shopping there with a business plan like you are suggesting
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I had my own business. I am a spender. I can't just buy what I want. You should read the crack heads whole post. COME ON PEOPLE, 5 STAR WAS AN EXAGGERATION. I understand the balance and all that. So if kabam can't get thier mess together then they lose money bcuz leoe will stop spending or it will get unbalanced. Sounds like a huge incintive for them to fix the bugs.

    Btw. Exaggerate...represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is.
    "they were apt to exaggerate any aches and pains"
    synonyms: overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate; More
    enlarged or altered beyond normal or due proportions.
    adjective: exaggerated
    "her plump thighs, exaggerated hips, and minuscule waist"
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    If they compensated for every screw up the last few months we would all be sitting on full rosters, 30k 6* shards and expiring class cats.

    I'd take a working game without a screwup for a week? maybe 2 please? over something extra for today. I just don't like the pattern that is becoming so predictable it's just laughable now.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    That's kinda my point. Get it right. Keep us happy. And the have been times when the collector had you things bcuz he was not happy with how his contest was going. It's possible. I'm tired of SPENDING for bullcrap
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Even with a 5 star being exagerated. Just rock makes a good point. Instead of every screw up. Lump them all together. And these issues wouldn't bother me at all if I wasn't a spender.
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  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    And razor had to pay all the same costs as kabam as far as man hours and r and d and all that plus the costs of material and assembly and shipping and packaging and.....this is digital. Quit being so stingy.
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    That's what I mean by stingy and I see what you mean by don't care. Not just about us. But people in general. Games against hunger. A 3 star crystal. Why? What do u do with a 3 star.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    That's what I mean by stingy and I see what you mean by don't care. Not just about us. But people in general. Games against hunger. A 3 star crystal. Why? What do u do with a 3 star.

    donate money to charity plus I know alot of end game players who like collecting 3 stars still
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Good point. A 4 star Awakening gem crystal for 20 bucks would have made alot lot more. Or 3 star gem for 5 or sumn. I'm just saying. Take 5 of my dollars from sumn I need. Kill 2 birds with one stone
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Good point. A 4 star Awakening gem crystal for 20 bucks would have made alot lot more. Or 3 star gem for 5 or sumn. I'm just saying. Take 5 of my dollars from sumn I need. Kill 2 birds with one stone

    Not every deal will be extremely good nor will they cater to everyone they make plenty of money as is without having to go over the top so until u see an actually good amount of people refuse to buy the "bad" deals they won't really see a need to do make them all over the top
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    I know it. Getting a little off subject. I'm just saying keep it simple. Oops we screwed up here is something to make up for it. At the least put us back
    In the tier we are supposed to be in.

    Oh you can keep the rewards we screwed up and gave to you in the first place plus what we should have given you but your still demoted. Been busting our asses to rank up and get crapped on with some chump change
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  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Coquifongo, thank you. You new exactly what I was trying to say.
  • KakarotKakarot Member Posts: 1
    The team from kabam banned me from account i really dont understand whats happening. Of course i dindnt use any of the third party apps.Im playing it 3 years from now on. HOW CAN i fix this.Please could anyone help me
  • MaledracMaledrac Member Posts: 93
    Stop gifts for all! stop new contetnts with old and new bug and fix game ! issue start with gifts then problem 12.0 can be less greddy? be honest better fix parry ,lag, glitch or try to stole gifts? and when u have a big gift what do u do with this if game work bad?
  • BazahaildancnBazahaildancn Member Posts: 198
    Good thought. One or the other. Something has got to happen
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