Training Daze Bug

deadheatdeadheat Member Posts: 21
I've been trying, but haven't been able to get the 'training daze' side quest to register any of my fights. And this has led to my not being able to participate in October side side quests.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    Are you fighting the correct opponents ? (Bishop, Iceman, Storm, or Kitty Pride) And of the correct Star version ?
    And NOT fighting them in AQ/AW, Practice, or Duels (those modes DON'T count for Training Daze)

  • deadheatdeadheat Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2021

    Are you fighting the correct opponents ? (Bishop, Iceman, Storm, or Kitty Pride) And of the correct Star version ?
    And NOT fighting them in AQ/AW, Practice, or Duels (those modes DON'T count for Training Daze)

    Yes. I've tried in the 3* arenas and 6* Kitty Pride in the uncollected map 3.2 of the current event quest. It's not registering on either of those.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    And there is the above sequence of 5 different Objectives FOR EACH different Difficulty/Progression title too.
    For Training Daze, use or beat (yes, using your own, against anyone else, also counts) those mentioned champs that are 3* for the Proven track objective, 4* for Conqueror track, 5* for Uncollected, or 6* for Cavalier track.

    So maybe you already did the 6* track, but still see Training Daze in the other tracks (which is right). So your Cavalier track has maybe already moved on to “Special Forces” objective ?

    Or you aren’t Cavalier level in game yet, so you don’t actually have the Cav objectives, just the 3*, 4*, and 5* ?

  • deadheatdeadheat Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2021

    And there is the above sequence of 5 different Objectives FOR EACH different Difficulty/Progression title too.
    For Training Daze, use or beat (yes, using your own, against anyone else, also counts) those mentioned champs that are 3* for the Proven track objective, 4* for Conqueror track, 5* for Uncollected, or 6* for Cavalier track.

    So maybe you already did the 6* track, but still see Training Daze in the other tracks (which is right). So your Cavalier track has maybe already moved on to “Special Forces” objective ?

    Or you aren’t Cavalier level in game yet, so you don’t actually have the Cav objectives, just the 3*, 4*, and 5* ?

    I am referring to the Spec Forces (proven) and Training Daze (Cav) objectives. These are the ones I've tried progressing against and have not moved the needle. I'm stuck at 2/6 and 2/10 respectively.
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