I very rarely press the disagree button but this is one of those occasions. He absolutely does not need full sig. He just needs to be awakened for his utility but not his damage.
Sig 1 = 25% reduction in ability accuracy. 4 neuros for 100% AAR
Sig 200 = 40% reduction in ability accuracy. 3 neuros for 100% AAR.
His optimal sig is considered to be 112 by many as each neuro has 33.4% AAR so 100% at 3 neuros.
Is it worth the 111 additional sig stones? Depends where you are in the game. If 5* sig stones are hard for you to get, save them for other champs like CapIW/Void and maybe feed him mutant stones unless you're trying to sig up omega/namor. Personally I think he's perfectly fine at sig 1, you just have to keep up more neuros (which isn't hard, and you want as many as possible anyway bc biggg damage)
He absolutely does not need full sig. He just needs to be awakened for his utility but not his damage.
Sig 1 = 25% reduction in ability accuracy. 4 neuros for 100% AAR
Sig 200 = 40% reduction in ability accuracy. 3 neuros for 100% AAR.
His optimal sig is considered to be 112 by many as each neuro has 33.4% AAR so 100% at 3 neuros.
Is it worth the 111 additional sig stones? Depends where you are in the game. If 5* sig stones are hard for you to get, save them for other champs like CapIW/Void and maybe feed him mutant stones unless you're trying to sig up omega/namor.
Personally I think he's perfectly fine at sig 1, you just have to keep up more neuros (which isn't hard, and you want as many as possible anyway bc biggg damage)