6* Knull Featured actual drop rates seem off

Over 600 crystals no 6* Knull. In my alliance over 2000 crystals no 6*Knull. Never seen this ever from the new triple RNG rates. Can someone look into this. After the rates were incorrect on preview release I think someone made a mistake on the drop rates for this crystal. Would just like confirmation.
Silliness aside, the drop rates are not a guarantee you will actually pull a champ, and I have seen videos of other people puling him, so unfortunately it sounds like you had some horrible, terrible, no good RNG. Been there. Better luck next time.
Dr. Zola
So for one lucky guy yolo pulling 6* Knull first try, there are 2000 others not pulling him. XD
“Opened 900 crystals very lucky , opening”
It’s definitely entertaining though.
My last run similar to yours was with Apoc , and I missed him in cavs . I got him in featured crystal like
5 times lol. Ever since that happened I swore off cavs. Oddly enough, I have picked up every featured champion from 6* crystals since then.