America Chavez. I hoarded 6* shards for her in the new featured crystal and I’ve managed to get her and awaken her. She’s now my top champ at 3/45 and I absolutely love this champion. She’s has some really nice utility, an incredibly fun playstyle, very decent damage and is also quite a good defender. Massively underrated
Guide when?
forget guide--I don't believe you until I see public videos on YOUTUBE!
(I'm friends with Mega, just trying to encourage him to post some vids so that everyone can see his skills, esp. showcasing the potential of Chavez.)
I agree.
@MegaSkater67 has a very long history of identifying and accessing the potential of less-loved champions.
I fully agree (and have posted to the effect before) that America clearly has abilities and utility that are underappreciated. I wouldn't mind getting her from the next 5*Featured.
I’ve actually made an America Chavez group chat on Line for anyone that would be interested in seeing more of what she can do. If anyone wants to join just PM me your ID and I’ll send an invite. I’ll be sharing videos, tips, advice, that sort of thing.
He might not actually be the best but Shang Chi is my favourite (I dont really like Herc's playstyle and prefer Kitty over him) and is top 3 imo.
Big shout out to Mr Negative & Peni Parker. Spidey 2099 for best animations (the specials are very dope) but I havent used him much to really judge (only have the 5*).
I voted Hercule but forgot about Kitty. I think Kitty is potentially the best character in the game, and Hercules is #3 in the game after Ghost. These characters are absolutely insane. Great year fir champions
Big shout out to Mr Negative & Peni Parker. Spidey 2099 for best animations (the specials are very dope) but I havent used him much to really judge (only have the 5*).
Yeah you need to be able intercept really well, and have good spacing skills