This is basically a contest full of competition and practise, so today I held a competition amongst all my cosmic six stars! The results are here-Air Walker with 1 persistent charge, the champion, Groot, SIP All champs were in one single team along with NF just for finishing fight faster. Air Walker isn't as bad as said from most players and he is good even with one persistent charge. I haven't told you guys but I have soloed ROL wolvie with air walker by just spamming sp3
I assume those are at rank 2 6 star champa. How you survived the 30+ hits from WS 🤔🤔🤔
All are r1. I only have omega HB and Claire at r2
Honest question, why did u r2 omega unduped?
Don't expect a reasonable answer from the guy who ranked up iceman over duped archie and duped capiw
Bruh I just ranked up iceman because of his triple immunity and good damage which was all I needed for 6.2.2 sinister now I am waiting for heimdall, don't get me wrong
If I remember correctly u have dragon man, why not use him?
And even if u don’t have dragon man, I’d personally just push though sinister without heimdall. I got my first heimdall around 2 weeks ago and it’s been like a year or more since I was stuck on sinister. Save urself the wait imo
No I don't have him, I am not creating another thread right now so someone plz suggest good options against 6.2 sinister boss
I guess I’ll be the helpful guy here. Any solid poison immune champ with access to a fury buff should do just fine, or run heimdall w/Hela to give any champ a fury buff. Or just be weird like me and do it with mr sinister
Ya but whom to use. I don't have Medusa awakened or hype, I have kingpin but he needs full trinity and crossbones is unawakened