Tech one is amazing in my opinion. Tho i have Guardian, warlock and hulkbuster at r3. Mystic is also amazing, it plays to the strength of mystics. Cosmic one does suck tho. It does not play at all to cosmic champions abilities.
The mystic nodes are consistently great. The other classes each have at least one bad node. Mystic essentially has one node twice, but it still counts as 3 great nodes in my book.
Venom, venompool and surfer are your answer - they slay this. King groot is great for it and Hyperion too. Anyone who gets lots of buffs makes this easy peasy. I'm not saying it's great, but it's certainly not horrible. There are lots of buff heavy cosmics who ramp up extremely fast and never miss.
The mystic nodes are consistently great. The other classes each have at least one bad node. Mystic essentially has one node twice, but it still counts as 3 great nodes in my book.
Cosmic one does suck tho. It does not play at all to cosmic champions abilities.
How does it not play to cosmic champs abilities? Each unique buff gives a chance to proc vigilance, focus on cosmic champs like surfer, venom, venompool, CGR etc who get lots of unique buffs.
Out of all the cosmic ones we've had it's the weakest, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. I did most fights with Venom. CGR did the rest
The vigilance/falter Cosmic Cav EQ node is so bad. Please take this one out of the rotation next time around, it's painfully stale.
falter one is super easy with CGR if u have him
Yeah I should've been more clear in my initial post, the issue isn't that it's difficult for me, my personal opinion is just that it doesn't add anything to the combat cycle to actually make it interesting. I used venom for pretty much the whole thing, with CGR on backup. A lot of cosmic champs generate unique buffs automatically, so gaining vigilance is quite easy. It just makes the defender parry-immune when the falter is active, which I don't think really adds anything fun or challenging to the fights other than a minor annoyance. Can see why people would like it though for the simplicity
Mystic essentially has one node twice, but it still counts as 3 great nodes in my book.
Man thing, Voodoo, sigil witch etc. You can nullify so easily and stack up your prowess.