Bishop, Cable or Stryfe?

AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
edited November 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Who would you prioritise at 6*?

Bishop, Cable or Stryfe? 42 votes

TheManMythLegendthanks4playingCropDusteraltavistawillrun4adonutRiptide368Symboite_jeesh31 7 votes
fmussapOliverJWUnsilentMoosetiptronicEtherionGodRenaxqqAgent_X_zzzTheBair123ReptoidPtkVascoCaptain_MonticaJed4223BlxndyHughJackman 14 votes
TerraThatGuyYouSaw235JuggerNotColonaut123EtjamaMidnite93Lucifer_666Ewell65SSS69FabwiziChikelRouger40casual0odishika123HoitadoScrubhanCeltic1981magnus_xixThe_HoTUWooptyfrickendooWasy1 21 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    if you have an apoc. if not, stryfe
  • Captain_MonticaCaptain_Montica Member Posts: 317 ★★
    Stryfe really shines in specific piece of content (LOL, AOL)
    But cable is useful for everything and also help apocalypse to be a better champion with faster ramp up
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★

    Stryfe really shines in specific piece of content (LOL, AOL)
    But cable is useful for everything and also help apocalypse to be a better champion with faster ramp up

    I have used Stryfe in incursions, eq, AQ Map 4, 5, Act 6 and 7. He's good everywhere with 50k+ healthpools though you need 250k+ to really see his potential. But for small healthpools you want him duped, sig 53 and you have to run him with Cable and Hood (If you can spare the spot)
    Cable has no utility and his parry-heavy style is boring and doesn't work everywhere. If the opponent has tenacity, he's done.
    Bishop is also kinda lacking in utility of you're not facing skill champs, but he's got good damage, regen and doesn't need a ramp up. I would rank him if I pull him and I already have Stryfe.
  • BlxndyBlxndy Member Posts: 147 ★★
    Cable if you have Apoc, Bishop if you don't, and Stryfe if you are looking at longer fights such as LoL or AoL.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★★
    If you have an Apocalypse, then Cable or Stryfe.

    But Bishop is quite good in his own right. His persistent power mechanic is a fun mechanic that makes him feel like a persistent charge champion that can be ‘stronger’ from fight to fight. His animations still feel clunky though.

    I would advise you to try out Stryfe before ranking him. You have to be enjoy his ramp up, as you will spend a good amount of your non-Abyss time having to do that if you’re using him. I personally find him a bit frustrating, as by the time I get to the fun times (ramped him up some), the non-Abyss content is done already.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    altavista said:

    If you have an Apocalypse, then Cable or Stryfe.

    But Bishop is quite good in his own right. His persistent power mechanic is a fun mechanic that makes him feel like a persistent charge champion that can be ‘stronger’ from fight to fight. His animations still feel clunky though.

    I would advise you to try out Stryfe before ranking him. You have to be enjoy his ramp up, as you will spend a good amount of your non-Abyss time having to do that if you’re using him. I personally find him a bit frustrating, as by the time I get to the fun times (ramped him up some), the non-Abyss content is done already.

    In Act 6-7 content you're done in 2 fights so long as you have Cable with you and he's duped. Always wait for the sp1 shock to expire so they don't die too fast before you get to sp3. Bring Hood on the team if you can spare the spot.
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