Lovers Quarrel clarification

The one where you defeat ikarus/sersi with each other, doesnt seem to count when i do it in practice mode. Is that a bug or does only actual duels count?(which seem weird because essentially it says to players go find a noobie who got a 3* as top champ) else its a bug so in need of a fix.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Lowest level difficulty if all you have are the free 3* champ versions of them.
Arena “should” count as well (if you happen to get a lucky matchup), although has been bugged in that only one direction of the matchup has been counting from Arena (not the other direction of matchup). ie, only “I vs S”, not “S vs I” (although forget which of those ways was the one that works and which way doesn’t).
New Practice mode has sometimes NOT been counting for some events/objectives, even if not seemingly excluded (and yes, in the code is probably spec'd as a different type of fight than an actual Duel).
(edit, after seeing game, and also next person's feedback below). Right, Duels are NOT even listed for this objective anyways. So NO, won't count.
Update: duels seem to work but practice mode doesnt. Essentially kabam.told.players to go find a random guy whose top champ is a hero who is not released yet or will be available in crystals with .3% chance , hope the champ is his top hero and duel him 🤣🤣 or go into a quest where these champs are bosses and run it 10 times. Bravo.
We all just have gotten lazy with using this new Practice mode for some things instead of actually doing work, especially if we’re gonna be given the new champs for free.