I see where you are coming from wade but that deadpool boss is actually bugged Using specials when he isn't supposed to And the venom pool is way harder than your standard Variant boss
You know, people are not asking to need v8 because it is hard. It's because
1) the rewards aren't worth it for that effort 2) Kabam Specifically told that it is targeted for mid game players and not for endgamera so the difficulty is not warranted.
That being said, since I don't care about the rewards eitherway I'll be doing it before the nerf if I get time
I see where you are coming from wade but that deadpool boss is actually bugged Using specials when he isn't supposed to And the venom pool is way harder than your standard Variant boss
Hunt a champion? How does one do so? It is a 5% chance at the very best. It can take years to obtain a specific champion (I hunt Masacre for over 3 years now, with no luck still)
Hunt a champion? How does one do so? It is a 5% chance at the very best. It can take years to obtain a specific champion (I hunt Masacre for over 3 years now, with no luck still)
i did 3 abyss paths without aegon. opened tons of dual crystals and didn’t get one. finally one day i pulled him from incursions crystal and maxed him for my last 2 paths. i’m f2p btw didn’t spend a dime for those. in time you’ll get the champ. but until that time you gotta do with what you have.
The thing that posts like these don’t understand is that niche is not the same as difficult.
The options for this fight currently is only Apoc or Venompool as a realistic option. Sabretooth can do certain paths, but he needs the poison from deadpooloids which are not on all paths. Torch/YJ etc are counters, but not easy to use for this fight. Domino needs a few hundred hits and even then, a ton of luck.
Apoc can do any path no matter the deadpooloid. Venompool can do any path but really needs to be R3, possibly could do it fully boosted as R2.
This fight is not hard, it is parry heavy with Apoc, get your debuffs on and easy game. This fight is niche, with two realistic counters.
This is not the way that content should be designed, make it difficult yeah. Make it hard yeah. Make it require a ton of skill, wonderful, that’s how you encourage players to progress. Don’t make it require one of several champions and if you don’t have them, well damn, you’re out of luck.
OP I appreciate the thought behind this post, but don’t conflate niche with hard. They’re not the same thing.
It definitely doesn't need a nerf. Apart from the Deadpool X and Venompool boss everything is easily manageable. Literally changed my team once (needed taskmaster for that havok) but Domino trinity, venompool and Hit monkey crushes everything.
Deadpool x is definitely bugged, so it needs to be fixed, but as Wade said, it's a fix. Venompool, though he is really hard and need specific counter. But the community already found 4, 2 if them not (maybe just a little) RNG dependent.
And no, I'm not saying stuff random, I have 2 lanes from DPX and 6 from Venompool left.
I don't usually post but I feel that this is a troll post or just someone who has gotten the rewards and wishing others are unable to
nope. didn’t even explore yet. don’t need those rewards that bad. but if i needed i’d try my best for sure. instead of calling for a nerf in 3rd day.
Lol. Nerf? You mean fix on the third day. The interaction is messed up if the best option to beat venompool is not a pool or a Merc. If you can’t see the failure in that.
here’s my little rant about it. rant over. thank you.
Not to be a dus one problem with this v1 was that’s bad either as you said you wait for counter ect not much can be done here because you already limte with a very small pull of champion. V1 wasn’t limited like that’s only limte two 2 class here u can deal with VP boss with a few champion can be done but almost all of those there can do it is a non merc meant the design purpose of the quset it wrong all it need is tweaking to the node doesn’t need overly nerft. But somting is need whatever u like it or not yes sometimes Kabam need to hold one there standing with I’m hates things getting nerft right away but if only big guys play the game the game wild not be as fun so sorry to be a disagreement. One t you’re point all the finally boss needs is tweaking so the smage node dealing damage to over power the regeneration
Hunt a champion? How does one do so? It is a 5% chance at the very best. It can take years to obtain a specific champion (I hunt Masacre for over 3 years now, with no luck still)
i did 3 abyss paths without aegon. opened tons of dual crystals and didn’t get one. finally one day i pulled him from incursions crystal and maxed him for my last 2 paths. i’m f2p btw didn’t spend a dime for those. in time you’ll get the champ. but until that time you gotta do with what you have.
I do what I have to, and trust me I do not complain and wait. But if you see the odds of the pull, it isn't really unlikely to not pull the champ in next say 2 years. And that is the issue, this Variant doesn't even have as good rewards to wait 2 years for them. Abyss is other thing, I am waiting for Ægon and see a purpose in it. But waiting to have Mr.F+Apoc/Sabre+KM at high enough rank is pretty tough given the rewards. You can repeat thousand times to have the one absolutely flawless shot and that is fine, it is just the champion specificity that makes people angry. If there were say 20 counters, it'd be 1/15th of all champs. That'd be 6% of all champs. But so far there are like 5 suitable champs (Apoc, Torch, Nebula, VP, Sabre, idk who else). 5/300 is 1/60. About 1.4% of all the champs.
Skill based is fine and practising for a better result is a good thing. But waiting against thisvlow odds is a bit annoying
This is not the way that content should be designed, make it difficult yeah. Make it hard yeah. Make it require a ton of skill, wonderful, that’s how you encourage players to progress. Don’t make it require one of several champions and if you don’t have them, well damn, you’re out of luck.
OP I appreciate the thought behind this post, but don’t conflate niche with hard. They’re not the same thing.
Agree. And don’t forget fun. This is a game. It should be fun.
The thing that posts like these don’t understand is that niche is not the same as difficult.
The options for this fight currently is only Apoc or Venompool as a realistic option. Sabretooth can do certain paths, but he needs the poison from deadpooloids which are not on all paths. Torch/YJ etc are counters, but not easy to use for this fight. Domino needs a few hundred hits and even then, a ton of luck.
Apoc can do any path no matter the deadpooloid. Venompool can do any path but really needs to be R3, possibly could do it fully boosted as R2.
This fight is not hard, it is parry heavy with Apoc, get your debuffs on and easy game. This fight is niche, with two realistic counters.
This is not the way that content should be designed, make it difficult yeah. Make it hard yeah. Make it require a ton of skill, wonderful, that’s how you encourage players to progress. Don’t make it require one of several champions and if you don’t have them, well damn, you’re out of luck.
OP I appreciate the thought behind this post, but don’t conflate niche with hard. They’re not the same thing.
very much thanks for the polite answer.
imho; what made variant 1 hard and challenging was the class restrictions. and final ultron boss had only several counters like Ghulk or quake, or capiw without triggering dex. after lots of shock immune champs released it became easier. people did it with either limited options or used revives. complained? yes. cursed? yes. was it hard back in the days? yes. but they did it anyway. wheter they knew or not; that gave them more skills, strategy and patience to finish it. it’s like trying to solve a puzzle or crosswords.
that being said limited options or niche fights shouldn’t be that much of a problem. if you have 20 r3s with tons of 5*s you don’t even look at them anymore and rewards aren’t exciting you can take your time to do it itemless. but if you’re a progressing player who needs those rewards, it’s no shame to focus and finish with what you have.
again thank you for the polite answer. have a nice day.
This is not the way that content should be designed, make it difficult yeah. Make it hard yeah. Make it require a ton of skill, wonderful, that’s how you encourage players to progress. Don’t make it require one of several champions and if you don’t have them, well damn, you’re out of luck.
OP I appreciate the thought behind this post, but don’t conflate niche with hard. They’re not the same thing.
Agree. And don’t forget fun. This is a game. It should be fun.
I don’t think you really understand what people are complaining about with this Variant.
Excluding the final boss, it isn’t THAT hard. Couple difficult fights during exploration but nothing ridiculous. It just isn’t fun..
Others have already hit on the niche topic but one of the two great counters for the final boss isn’t even a mercenary LOL. WHICH IS WHAT THE WHOLE VARIANT IS ABOUT! To add to that there is no incentive to bringing in mercenary champs. It’s either bring in these specifically tagged champions or you’ll do no damage, but we’re not gonna boost those specifically tagged champions in any way and on any paths (besides Deadpool of course)
The whole variant just doesn’t even make sense to me.
Also half the bosses are bugged (or at least 2 of the 6) so the variant just isn’t doing much of anything right tbh..
Using specials when he isn't supposed to
And the venom pool is way harder than your standard Variant boss
The disagrees this post will get....
1) the rewards aren't worth it for that effort
2) Kabam Specifically told that it is targeted for mid game players and not for endgamera so the difficulty is not warranted.
That being said, since I don't care about the rewards eitherway I'll be doing it before the nerf if I get time
However please fix the deadpool x force kabam
that’s fine people can disagree.
The options for this fight currently is only Apoc or Venompool as a realistic option. Sabretooth can do certain paths, but he needs the poison from deadpooloids which are not on all paths. Torch/YJ etc are counters, but not easy to use for this fight. Domino needs a few hundred hits and even then, a ton of luck.
Apoc can do any path no matter the deadpooloid. Venompool can do any path but really needs to be R3, possibly could do it fully boosted as R2.
This fight is not hard, it is parry heavy with Apoc, get your debuffs on and easy game. This fight is niche, with two realistic counters.
This is not the way that content should be designed, make it difficult yeah. Make it hard yeah. Make it require a ton of skill, wonderful, that’s how you encourage players to progress. Don’t make it require one of several champions and if you don’t have them, well damn, you’re out of luck.
OP I appreciate the thought behind this post, but don’t conflate niche with hard. They’re not the same thing.
Deadpool x is definitely bugged, so it needs to be fixed, but as Wade said, it's a fix.
Venompool, though he is really hard and need specific counter. But the community already found 4, 2 if them not (maybe just a little) RNG dependent.
And no, I'm not saying stuff random, I have 2 lanes from DPX and 6 from Venompool left.
Deadpool Red should be the champ to take down the boss
Skill based is fine and practising for a better result is a good thing. But waiting against thisvlow odds is a bit annoying
imho; what made variant 1 hard and challenging was the class restrictions. and final ultron boss had only several counters like Ghulk or quake, or capiw without triggering dex. after lots of shock immune champs released it became easier. people did it with either limited options or used revives. complained? yes. cursed? yes. was it hard back in the days? yes. but they did it anyway. wheter they knew or not; that gave them more skills, strategy and patience to finish it. it’s like trying to solve a puzzle or crosswords.
that being said limited options or niche fights shouldn’t be that much of a problem. if you have 20 r3s with tons of 5*s you don’t even look at them anymore and rewards aren’t exciting you can take your time to do it itemless. but if you’re a progressing player who needs those rewards, it’s no shame to focus and finish with what you have.
again thank you for the polite answer. have a nice day.
I haven’t got to venompool yet so I can’t say how bad the fight is but deadpool xf is bugged. Need that fixed.
Excluding the final boss, it isn’t THAT hard. Couple difficult fights during exploration but nothing ridiculous. It just isn’t fun..
Others have already hit on the niche topic but one of the two great counters for the final boss isn’t even a mercenary LOL. WHICH IS WHAT THE WHOLE VARIANT IS ABOUT! To add to that there is no incentive to bringing in mercenary champs. It’s either bring in these specifically tagged champions or you’ll do no damage, but we’re not gonna boost those specifically tagged champions in any way and on any paths (besides Deadpool of course)
The whole variant just doesn’t even make sense to me.
Also half the bosses are bugged (or at least 2 of the 6) so the variant just isn’t doing much of anything right tbh..