Champs using Heavy Attack randomly

I was fighting through the goldblum challenge and I always die on the last path because my champion uses a heavy attack mid combo. I have wiped the screen multiple times and despite this, keep getting heavy attacks proc for absolutely no reason.
Anyone else facing the same problem?
Anyone else facing the same problem?
Hopefully this extended maintenance addresses some of these but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S7 on software G930VVRS4BQI1
The first is as Deadbyrd noted - tapping too fast. Get tap-happy and you'll trigger a heavy.
The second is the direction of the swipe. If you swipe up or down (or too much up/down from horizontal), the game will register it as a heavy. The medium/dash needs to be a horizontal swipe forward.
Happened to me a week ago with Ultron; looked like the old bug where heroes would hold onto their heavy attack and the hero shakes uncontrollably just before it launches.
I have the same issue from time to time. It definitely happens when I tap too fast but also seems to happen for no apparent reason at other times.