Should I r5 Anti-Venom or Storm Pyramid X?

Ahoy_LadiesAhoy_Ladies Member Posts: 10
I'm trying to build a well-balanced team and am currently faced with the option of taking either Anti-Venom or Storm PX to rank 5. Both are awakened, but my champion roster may also play a part in this. For mutant, I already have a rank 5 Apocalypse, Omega Red (max sig), and Sabertooth with Killmonger for synergy. As for science, I don't have any real viable science champs. I use r4 wasp with Ghost sometimes, or r1 6 star wasp, and I have sig 120 Red Guardian. Any feedback is appreciated!

Should I r5 Anti-Venom or Storm Pyramid X? 9 votes

Uncle_Fatty_247EtjamaRenaxqqRiptideWooptyfrickendooGrassKnuckles13579rebel_ 7 votes
Storm Pyramid X
TerraMutantA___4444 2 votes
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