Another Ikaris nurf?

I bought the early access bundle as soon as it came out and just watched a ProffHoff video on YouTube and apparently he's likely going to get nerfed again? I did not pull him from the early access bundle but I wouldn't have spent 100 USD on them had I known...especially with cyber weekend coming up. What are my options @Kabam Miike
he's not a generally reliable source
I don’t think he’s fixed yet btw
Thanks.... i thought he had been fixed already my bad if that's the case.
As for people hating on Prof Hoff....he's not for everyone but does have some entertaining videos. The interview he made with one of Kabam's ex employees was probably one of the top 10 MCOC videos I had ever watched on YouTube regardless of who made the video.
Also, a word of advice, I’d stay away from Prof Hoff.
problem 2: incinerate damage spiking for few seconds after sp1, allowing for mental damage
current temporary fix: last hit of sp 1 refreshes incins instead of all
potential nerf 2(and fix hopefully): sp1 does not cause damage increase but refreshes incins on all hits.