Hawkeye Power Control: Buff or Nerf?

With the current spotlight there has been some controversy with how good Hawkeyes new power control mechanic will be. Personally, it seems like a buff with how aggressively I’d use it if I ranked him. Of course, paper stats don’t tell us everything but while we are waiting for the buff to go live let us know your thoughts.

Hawkeye Power Control: Buff or Nerf? 94 votes
I’m pretty heavily leaning towards buff, but we will see when it goes live.
It's definetly a buff, especially with him getting more damage.
I wonder if the Tigra synergy will remain unchanged, with Crit Poisons maybe 🧐
old: 40% of the entire power bar (120% of a bar)
new: 75% of a bar (25% of the entire bar), and 50% for eight to twelve seconds?
Say you landed exactly ten hits in those seconds of Suppression, and those ten hits generate an entire bar of power.
Assuming that a power bar is, say, 3000 units:
old: takes 1200 units, gives 1000 units in those ten hits. Overall -200.
New: Takes 750, gives 500. Overall -250.
Maybe my use of maths is totally wrong here, but in this case it is actually better.
I don't know how many hits you can actually land in the seconds of Suppression, or how reliable it is to get max duration Suppression, but the Suppression is a flat 50% power rate decrease regardless of length, so uh...
There's also the chance you won't manage to land enough hits for the Suppression to affect much, but they're gaining less power from you hitting their block IIRC
Maybe someone else can make better sense of this?
Spidey 2099 was a noodle - until…..
Not sure why everyone cry’s nerf… I know he was once decent but who really uses him? These ppl who cry nerf are guaranteed weren’t touching him on their roster. If u need power control would u use him over magik/doom… not a chance. His power control is going to be good but more to keep ppl off as many specials not to deal with power gain, I’m thinking more like a hybrid punisher 2099 and actual power control champ.
Last I checked crit bleeds are amazing and being able to guarantee em when u master him and also keep em paused. He’s gonna be amazing and ppl will absolutely use him now. That’s the point of these buffs to give him a new life right?
Really tho I had no desire to rank mine before and now I’ve already started ranking him as he looks fun as hell and will be decent too. Is he gonna be top tier skill maybe not but time will tell how good he ends up being. Will he be marginal like now I don’t think so at all.
1) We don't know if those suppression debuffs stack. If they do, you can probably lock down opponents much easier than you can currently. -50% defensive combat power gain x2 sounds very much like they won't get any power whatsoever from your strikes, which would be insane.
2) He now has power control through both power drain and a debuff, meaning he can be useful in more scenarios. If an opponent is immune to power drain or a node prevents their power from being drained, he can still shut them down fairly effectively through his suppression debuff. Even more so if they stack.
It might turn out to be a bad swap but I'm currently leaning towards it being a really intriguing change.
2) Pre-buff Hawkeye has two points of failure: failure to trigger the power drain because of AAR, and failure to power drain due to power drain immunity. Post-buff Hawkeye has seven points of failure: all the failures of pre-buff Hawkeye, failure to Perfect Release and subsequently loss of Dialed In Passives, failure to trigger the Suppression Debuff because of AAR, failure to apply the Suppression Debuff because of Suppression Debuff or regular Debuff immunity, removal of Suppression Debuff by nodes (Masochism) or purify ability (reduced debuff duration, tenacity, Kingpin or DDHK,...) and failure to take full advantage of the duration of the Suppression Debuff due to imperfect gameplay.
People will warm up eventually, it's always like this with champs receiving buffs. The community always reacts the same.
Point is we have no patience if the champ doesn’t do 97 million damage on paper
I voted nerf because the pd is straight up worse and people are tacking on the suppression numbers like they're a done deal and not of variable usefulness and that's only if you can get it. Is it likely to be easier to hit than a parry or the mini-game that people still have problems with?
Still not the type of rework I wanted fr Hawkeye, but not close to the worst ones we've had
I still feel Kabam should always try to build over & above what the champ already has & not try to "balance" things
There was absolutely no need to change his power drain, none, nada. It's not like he was breaking the game, heck, no one used him except for arena, one thing to like was his power drain.
Oh yes, let's change the power drain, make it a debuff, so debuff immune/shrug off champs cannot be power controlled.