What are your guys' most criminally OVERRATED champions?

RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
edited November 2021 in General Discussion
A thread for champions that everyone hypes up, yet don't really do something extremely notable that other champs can't.

Two of mine:

Domino and Sunspot.

Domino is far too RNG based and is outshined by so many better mutants.

My 6* R3 Sunspot got used on two paths in 7.3 exploration. Also outshined by other mutants.


  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    DawsMan said:

    I wouldn't say criminally overrated, but I really don't get the hype behind G99. Like, I get that she's good, got some good abilities, but I really don't see what puts her so high up with the best.

    Such huge damage on basic hits.

    She regens from 15-50% every fight which saves a lot of revives and health potions. Has a beefy armour up which makes block damage a lot more manageable, she can also crit when needed, power burn and life steal. She has lots of combo shields that also act as a protection in a way (if awakened) when getting hit can phase for a long time and it has saved my butt a couple of times. End fights with special three and it insta kills if they're at 4% (this does not override hit caps like rage or abyss) so every fight you finish with it your biggest hit is shown as a couple billion damage.You can power control super easily if needed even thru block (sp1), or get a bunch of hits and a heal reverse (sp2).

    Basically, you don't need to heal her up, you go in with a big combo and within a few combos and a special two you're melting the opponent with passive damage and degeneration (which few champions are immune to). You won't take a lot of block damage, don't have to worry about losing your combo as much as with star lord or Aegon, and no matter the health pool that last four percent is an instant sp3 kill.

    I didn't really get the hype either until I started using my 6*, she's at r2, can't see her going to r3. Very good tho. Don't use her all the time, but for instance the apoc sidequest she was great.
    Ah well, that is pretty helpful.
    Probably won't end up using her anyway, since my tech roster overcompensates for everything at this point, but it's nice to know.

    Anything she can do that Warlock, Guardian and Ghost don't cover?
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    DawsMan said:

    I wouldn't say criminally overrated, but I really don't get the hype behind G99. Like, I get that she's good, got some good abilities, but I really don't see what puts her so high up with the best.

    Such huge damage on basic hits.

    She regens from 15-50% every fight which saves a lot of revives and health potions. Has a beefy armour up which makes block damage a lot more manageable, she can also crit when needed, power burn and life steal. She has lots of combo shields that also act as a protection in a way (if awakened) when getting hit can phase for a long time and it has saved my butt a couple of times. End fights with special three and it insta kills if they're at 4% (this does not override hit caps like rage or abyss) so every fight you finish with it your biggest hit is shown as a couple billion damage.You can power control super easily if needed even thru block (sp1), or get a bunch of hits and a heal reverse (sp2).

    Basically, you don't need to heal her up, you go in with a big combo and within a few combos and a special two you're melting the opponent with passive damage and degeneration (which few champions are immune to). You won't take a lot of block damage, don't have to worry about losing your combo as much as with star lord or Aegon, and no matter the health pool that last four percent is an instant sp3 kill.

    I didn't really get the hype either until I started using my 6*, she's at r2, can't see her going to r3. Very good tho. Don't use her all the time, but for instance the apoc sidequest she was great.
    Ah well, that is pretty helpful.
    Probably won't end up using her anyway, since my tech roster overcompensates for everything at this point, but it's nice to know.

    Anything she can do that Warlock, Guardian and Ghost don't cover?
    I mean if you need a high combo ramp up champ that can do 14k a hit at 600 combo?

    I just use her for different scenarios. TBF I ranked and sigged my guardian, never used him. Ghost I use all the time in story quest for dot and quick fights with minimal damage taken. Warlock is great against power and regen.

    Guilly is good for lanes with poison and bleed and armour breaks if you need someone who can tank hits and just do damage. Ghost can only do so much without dot and especially without buffs, Guardian can ramp but its very slow and doesn't work on shock immunes, warlock is fantastic.

    You sorta have to experiment with her for yourself. For me, she fills a couple gaps I have in my roster, but if you have Warlock, Gaurdian and Ghost up as well as not really feeling like you need her, guilly is fine to stay on the bench.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    I wouldn't say criminally overrated, but I really don't get the hype behind G99. Like, I get that she's good, got some good abilities, but I really don't see what puts her so high up with the best.

    Direct damage she deals is superior to everything.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    I wouldn't say criminally overrated, but I really don't get the hype behind G99. Like, I get that she's good, got some good abilities, but I really don't see what puts her so high up with the best.

    Got to be consistent with her. She's one of those champions that isn't really for everyone, like Omega Red, but in the right hands can be absolutely dangerous.

    Lizer with Omega Red is absolutely deadly, but I don't like Omega Red or his playstyle at all.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Funny enough, I think Lizer is also a big fan of G99 😂
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    LOL this is a funny thread.

    Domino, Sunspot, Elsa, G2099, Venom and Sorcerer Supreme are all overrated?

    First, no. All of the champs mentioned are pretty amazing. I've used all of them in Act 7 multiple times. Domino shreds in Variant 8. Each has great uses throughout the contest, and that's what matters. Do you have a better mystic champ than Sorcerer Supreme? Great, then use that champ. Doesn't mean SS is overrated.

    Second, and more importantly, who is overrating them? There are about zero posts on this forum touting them as the best champs, only threads like this one in which people claim they are overrated without showing where. No one is claiming they're the best of their respective classes.

    IMO most overrating happens when a new champ is announced (Knull, for example), and people claim the champ is going to be the next BGT attacker before they've even used said champ. Happens a lot.

    Domino and Sunspot are, I disagreed with the others tho lol
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★

    Smurf Supreme, between her havok level passive power gain and Joe fixit regen, I can't follow the hype she has.

    She needs points in MD then both your points are completely void, she can do fights purely throwing specials and finish with a full yellow bar, like this month annihilus side quest for eg, destroys it.

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  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,422 ★★★★★
    Aegon, I really regret r5-ing him.

    I'm sorry guys but he has really fell from the spotlight. He's still good, but he's not the best ramp up champion anymore.

    Stryfe has taken that title in my opinion, he can do basically what Aegon does at his core while providing unique utility with the same huge numbers, all in less time as well.
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  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 990 ★★★★

    I wouldn't say criminally overrated, but I really don't get the hype behind G99. Like, I get that she's good, got some good abilities, but I really don't see what puts her so high up with the best.

    Got to be consistent with her. She's one of those champions that isn't really for everyone, like Omega Red, but in the right hands can be absolutely dangerous.

    Lizer with Omega Red is absolutely deadly, but I don't like Omega Red or his playstyle at all.
    You’re right, she’s absolutely dangerous. One guy in my old ally was a big fun, he kept talking about her and I decided to give my 6star a chance and she’s one of my favorite. She has several utilities, her only downside was losing combo if you slip up but I noticed when I duped mine (tech gem) her sig ability is really essential. I’m working of taking mine to max sig for that guarantee combo protection.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I think that all hyped champs are overrated. I’ve tried them all at some point in time in various content, and the gameplay is still terrible. I can’t think of any other reason that would be other than the champs just aren’t good.

    No other possible reason.

    Bad champs.
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