There was also an xp boost. I dunno seems like we might not have been given the full picture of what’s to come unless they are scrapping 2/3s of the benefits from a regular event.
P.s. keep your gold, give me my battlechip units. Even though I haven’t done the math and intuition tells me the unit loss from battlechips would be rather insignificant.
It was a boost to earning battlechips, +30% bc in the small window of the boost was pretty negligible to units aquired
Uhh no it's not. Not when there are people like me who grind in arena
Well... how many battlechips can "people like you" earn during 7days? 200k would be a higher amount so 20% is +40k chips. This isn't a lot big picture.
It was a boost to earning battlechips, +30% bc in the small window of the boost was pretty negligible to units aquired
Uhh no it's not. Not when there are people like me who grind in arena
Well... how many battlechips can "people like you" earn during 7days? 200k would be a higher amount so 20% is +40k chips. This isn't a lot big picture.
I mean, I got 1,125 units 4 times already from the Thronebreaker Arena crystal
P.s. keep your gold, give me my battlechip units. Even though I haven’t done the math and intuition tells me the unit loss from battlechips would be rather insignificant.
Yes you’ll get (theoretically) 20% less units but just for the small window when we would’ve had a boost.
Tbh I’ll take far more gold year round for negligibly less units for a couple weeks.
It is already impossible to spend the gold I have so why do I need more?