Root mechanism

So root mechanic is back do you see anything wrong???? If they add it to a character and it slides they WILL add it to nodes like how phasing nodes came to be. All I know in a year this will be a node again. Dont know why it wasn't scrapped entirely or whos idea it was to remove a LITERAL fundamental part of the game. This isn't even like that node that makes you degen if you dex twice, you just cannot dex.
I just wanted to know I kinda stopped playing the game. Due to all the bugs, and feeling like recovery time is just being halfed whenever there's a chance. I LITERAL died when I seen his spot light and they casually just added that mechanic, back. Wonder if they thought it'll fly because of the seasonal holidays.
I just wanted to know I kinda stopped playing the game. Due to all the bugs, and feeling like recovery time is just being halfed whenever there's a chance. I LITERAL died when I seen his spot light and they casually just added that mechanic, back. Wonder if they thought it'll fly because of the seasonal holidays.
Root mechanism 63 votes
It's a 50/50 imo.
Special attacks are a fundamental part of the game. It would be so terrible if people could just not take damage from them (ghost) or stop you from throwing them at all (Prof X, or literally any of those nodes that limit power). It would be so annoying if dashing back caused you to lose health (caltrops or the specific degen node that you mentioned). What if throwing special attacks cause you to lose health (YJ, Spam, etc)? There are tons of game mechanics that limit other game mechanics. That’s just how they work. There is even reversed controls that changes how you move.
Also, just as a side note, “you just cannot dex” seems to show a lack of fundamental game mechanics. You can dex once, block a hit, then dex again. You can evade then dex and get far enough away. You can even dex twice with champs like Ghulk who mitigates the damage, or Namor who throws the damage back at the opponent, or literally any other champ, but you’ll take a small amount of damage. It penalizes unimaginative or lazy or just unideal gameplay. You can regen back the health and continue to play, or shut down its ability accuracy. Similar things can be done to mitigate root against Kraven, as far as we can tell before he enters the game, and personally I look forward to it. I know, hot take.
As an example, Colossus' heavy was still pretty easy to dex even when rooted. Black Widow's on the other hand, gave me fits.
So since for now, it's only gonna be on Kraven, I think we just have to wait to see how easy, or hard, it is to dex his attacks when rooted.
But this cn turn bad if they decide to start putting it everywhere & it becomes the new MCOC defense go to option fr Kabam, specially bcoz it cn have a lot of unforeseen & "unintended" interactions
Kabam is getting more ambitious i predict there will be at least 3 other trap champs by 2023 or at least a node.
If, like before, your attacks just push him too far away for you to do anything? He has unstoppable, unblockable unless for well-timed blocks which will be immediately shrugged off with his other ability. SO Yikes.
I also have concerns with the issue brought up by @AmaadAkira about how spacing works when you are hitting an opponent while rooted. If the opponent will get knocked out of range after a single hit, that would make it difficult to build power to break the root.
That being said, if you are in a matchup where root is a concern, then you can just hold onto your power until you need to break a root to avoid getting yourself into trouble. I like the way it looks so far, looking forward to a more hands-on test.