EQ 3.1 Nodes with Parry Bugs

I’m a bit confused by the cav EQ node combinations for 3.1. Less the gameplay, but more so the idea behind them. Isn’t it a bit odd that we have a whole quest dedicated to reparrying when the block/parry mechanics haven’t been working for months? I could definitely be playing the node incorrectly, so let me know if there’s a better way to tackle this without having to try to reparry many times. To be honest, this is quite concerning if it really is meant to be played this way.
I went ahead and just used Sorcerer and Shang Chi with their slows to explore the whole thing. Yet more content where the best options aren't even champs the nodes are designed to benefit. It's pretty laughable at this point
1) use #mercenary
2) stun opponent to prevent unstoppable.
3) opponent is stun immune (I know not really, but kinda ..)
It's nuts.
Now yeah, if you're an end-game / thronebreaker player with "skills" .. you get this interpretation:
1) use #mercenary
2) reparry
To me, this node setup and then add on that Nick fury as a boss .. just screams like this should be a thronebreaker level map .. not a cav map ...
I'm definitely not an end-game player ... so when end game challenges come out like the boss rushes, I generally dodge it .. knowing it's not for me
But this quest, just seems way overtuned to me ...
but yeah, I managed to get him down .. once .. with a combination of havoc, mr. sinister and red magneto ..
only did the easy path .. somehow Hood cleared the entire path .. LOL
I'm passing on the other paths though .. that brute force one I tried ... yeah no thatnks.
tried the one starting with stealth spidey .. got clapped ..
But i can see how it can cause troubles for some. Rewards should get a buff
Currently 'enjoying' the extremely fun 'opponents constantly go Unblockable' chapter. Terrax is his usual fun self especially since most of his usual counters aren't Spiders, Symbiotes or Sinister Six. Any tips for this chapter?
Other than 'bring potions...'
Try using a character that applies slow (I used Sor S or she-hulk...or other slow champs), based on my testing once you apply the slow once then opponent stops going unstoppable for the rest of the fight. Then just fight normal. The fight is slow, but it works and is easier then re-parry when parry mechanic is so erratic. You don't need to keep re-applying the slow.
take a month "vacation" .. and we'll see if things get better next month
1. Bring Apocolypse, parry n heavy then SP1
2. Bring one merc is good enough (my pick is hit monkey for active bleed)
3. Bring “slow” champ is more important than Merc/GoTG
4. NF can be tackled by Apoc/Colossus/Aegon…Domino is ok if u insist on using Merc.
This is the worst Act of entire EQ.