Angela debuff shrug off

Was fighting against red skull in monthly EQ and noticed even with more than 4 buffs Angela was not reducing the shock debuff from his SP2. Her sig level allows her to shrug off 26% faster so at 4 or more buffs it should be instant. Red skull has the ability to increase duration based on his buffs which were 10 armors so does that override Angela's sig ability?
It works like this: Angela reduces RS's shocks by 100%-->RS's buffs increase the shocks' duration by X% (don't remember how much)-->Angela suffers the increased duration of RS's shocks only
Each buff on redskull is a 50% increase (1.25 seconds) so at his max armor he’ll have +500% duration. Angela with 9 buffs (at max sig 315%) against a 10 buff Red Skull, the shocks still have +300% duration, which would be several seconds.