Help with Science r3

swmcswswmcsw Member Posts: 249 ★★

Been trying to decide who to r3. Just duped spider ham and thinking of him. But not a 100% sure. If thing/ Mr f were duped I'd think about them. Anyone I'm looking over? Anyone with r3 spider ham out there that really like him?


  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
  • MONSTER1_MONSTER1_ Member Posts: 4
    Shehulk no brainer
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    Piggy can be quite fun, and a pain on defense.
    Modok, an annoying defender.
    Miles can be very good too.
    I know the forums loves she hulk, but I am not a fan of a character who is at the mercy of the AI.
    you should revisit Joe Fixit now too!
  • swmcswswmcsw Member Posts: 249 ★★
    I've tried she hulk a lot and also am not a huge fan, I'm not great at keeping her furies up when trying to get them to throw specials. I know she can be good but it requires a lot to me. Will have to check Joe fixit out
  • swmcswswmcsw Member Posts: 249 ★★

    Formed a 2nd science t5 so said screw it and r3 ham. I've actually really enjoyed using him lately. He is a really fluid champ, easy to control.
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