4 Star Rank Up Gems -awakened- question

I am in the process of trying to obtain the 4 star rank up gem from act 5. If you use it on an awakened champ do you lose the awakening and all their signature abilities???
I would assume that is the case but keep in mind the awakening didn't always come free. Because of limited opportunities of attaining awakening gems I have purchased a few. Some $99. Then I received signature stones at costs. Hell my Doc Voodoo alone has a value of $150 (keep in mind that's 2-3 Xbox one games, WHOLE GAMES) and that doesn't include the amount spent on my account which is equivalent to 3 platforms (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo +several games for each).
I hope I'm wrong about that but this game is full of numerous awesome highs but far more disappointments. Please let this be on the positive side.
I would assume that is the case but keep in mind the awakening didn't always come free. Because of limited opportunities of attaining awakening gems I have purchased a few. Some $99. Then I received signature stones at costs. Hell my Doc Voodoo alone has a value of $150 (keep in mind that's 2-3 Xbox one games, WHOLE GAMES) and that doesn't include the amount spent on my account which is equivalent to 3 platforms (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo +several games for each).
I hope I'm wrong about that but this game is full of numerous awesome highs but far more disappointments. Please let this be on the positive side.
He's not talking about an awakening gem, he's talking about a rank up gem.
1. I have an awakened Doc Voodoo lvl 99.
2. If I 100% explore Act 5 I get a 4 star rank up gem that allows me to take a 4 star champ to a 5 star champ. It is class random.
3. If I get a mystic and use it on Doc Voodoo will he still be awakened and maintain his lvl 99 signature ability? Or will he become a 5* without his awakened abilities?
Hopefully with my question expounded it is easier to answer without the need to pass judgement or assume that the inquestor is some how inept or completely ignorant in the principles of the game.
Key word(s) are RANK UP GEM not AWAKENING GEM.
Thanks for the input.
Wishful thinking I suppose. Thanks for clearing that up.