Seatin state of the game opinion

Seatin's arguably the most popular MCOC content creator (even though he's taken a a big break in the last 6 months), and his recent State of the Game video sheds some good light on what a lot of us are thinking of the game lately.
I think I agree most with his notes on all the new game modes (Strikers, solo competitive) and QOL stuff (revamped mastery system, relics, wish crystals) not showing up in 2021 as per the last Road Map, and in general the lack of a new or updated Road Map to show where Kabam is with all their plans.
I know a lot of their previous plans probably got sidetracked as they deal with the memory leak and game engine issues recently, but an updated road map explaining what those issues have done to their planned schedule would be appreciated so we can have a realistic outlook on what to look forward to going forward.
Food for thought.
I think I agree most with his notes on all the new game modes (Strikers, solo competitive) and QOL stuff (revamped mastery system, relics, wish crystals) not showing up in 2021 as per the last Road Map, and in general the lack of a new or updated Road Map to show where Kabam is with all their plans.
I know a lot of their previous plans probably got sidetracked as they deal with the memory leak and game engine issues recently, but an updated road map explaining what those issues have done to their planned schedule would be appreciated so we can have a realistic outlook on what to look forward to going forward.
Food for thought.

This is still (despite the issues) one of the most fun games I play because of my love for animations and Marvel. when it works, it's great. True enough it's in shambles performance wise but content is still coming and for the most part really enjoyable to me.
We've all been on the brink ... but hopefully it continues to improve and they give us a new Alliance War revamp soon.
I’d love another Everest content as well, SoP was fantastic as an event, but I’d like something to work for right now. At the moment I’m only ranking up champions for fun or for war. Act 7 isn’t challenging enough to make me rank up champs, not that that’s a bad thing, just stating my thoughts on it. I enjoy act 7 for what it is, but it’s not the challenging permanent content we need in my view.
One thing I disagree though is on a lot of the delays. I feel like we can’t discount the impact having a game wide bug since July has had on plans. We have no idea what impact it has had. If it turns out that it’s had no impact and they would have been delayed either way, sure, that’s a bummer. But if this bug has delayed content then I feel like it’s a little much to lump that on Kabam as another thing they’ve done wrong.
Understand there are game issues but they could say "there are issues and this will postpone xyz" or "issues will not impact rollout".
I dont mean few comments lost in threads, be consistent. Make the announcements and updates in the same format so it doesn't get lost and show what has been delivered or not against previous commitments.
What I've come to realize is that I mainly play this game in hopes for unique content. I do disagree that Abyss was the peak of the contest. Mainly because when that type of content is released, it is typically just a unit dump that require the right champs and revives and is less about skill. Over time, that lessens as we have seen a lot of content in the last year that make Abyss look silly. I think SOP is hands down the best think MCOC has ever produced. Gauntlet was also great. But sitting around for that type of content to get released once a year is becoming less appealing.
I get it...things got pushed back because of the game engine. But my appetite to continuing logging in every few hours in order to have fun a few times a year is dwindling.
It may be an unpopular opinion, but I am just confused as to where Kabam is choosing to focus employee time these days. Videos like the one released yesterday are pretty to look at, but it gave me nothing that a forum post would not have (or already did) provide. That was time and resources spent that could have been spent elsewhere. Same with the new cav eq nodes. There was a lot of time and effort into developing those nodes, but they didn't "freshen up" cav EQ. If anything, it just made a chore more annoying (like, I used to take out the trash in plastic bags, now I have to take out the trash in paper bags that are wet on the bottom and might break at any moment). I don't get the sense that people would leave the game because Kabam hasn't updated the Cav eq nodes, so it is unclear as to what the ultimate goal of those types of updates (unless it's to slow progression). If the goal was to get players to rank up champs they wouldn't have otherwise ranked up, then (1) the change wasn't targeted toward end game players as I blitzed through and ignored the nodes, and (2) for developing cav and thronebreaker rosters, you just cav eq harder than it was a month ago with no increase in incentive or rewards (i.e., decided to slow progression by making more difficult nodes).
Finally, I fully realize and accept this may be overly negative. I also realize that as an end game player, I am likely no longer the core focus for the company or developers. Brining in new players if far more important.
His lack of interest in the game, regardless if it's mainly due to his interest/new-found love of crypto is sad and should be a wake up call to kabam.
Hopefully it comes soon. Many of us are dying to know what's coming next in this game.
Seatin is entertaining but pretty irrelevant as a YouTuber these days, when it comes to MCOC.
Not that the game doesn't have problems, but this is a free video game -- not a job, not a marriage, not a child you have to raise, so stop making MCOC into a vital service that requires Kabam to meet your every demand. Even if you spend wildly in this game, you are not entitled to complete transparency from Kabam or for them to meet every QoL deadline that they wrote about in a blog.
I started playing last year for Christmas and in October I have become TB. The worst content I came across in game are definitely AQ and AW. If I have to choose between the two than Alliance War is definitely the worst. I hate that i have to be availabe everywhere to clear the lane or do some boss fight.
I've completely stopped playing AW and AQ and now just hang out with my ally mates in our Line chat.
There is a lot stuff for me to do explore Act7 and complete 7.3 which I intend to do probably by new year.
What after that I have no idea maybe abyss but with controls not being reliable maybe I'll just stop playing. I ahve reduced my playing time at least 90%. Now i jost log in do some farming and log out.
Game is just crippled buy Kabam's inability to fix it and give us something exciting.
Granted Seatin was a voice of the players and made an okish list or tier or whatever but he WAS the voice. Now I dont think he's doing anything for the community except maybe putting a video in a week.
Lastly Kabam are trying to do everything to better the game. Give it sometime!
And the community is able to react as the ideas are being played with. Community is able to point out “hey, if that rifle gets that buff, it’ll be overpowered and bad for game design,” and then Bungie will do their internal testing and find that either yeah, they’ve overtuned, or nah, it’s actually fine once you get your hands on it.
Tying this back into MCOC, imagine if during the lead up to this month we had been told “Summoners, we are looking into a new way of dividing up the Cavalier EQ by using tags instead of classes,” and then the players were able to give feedback about how they could most effectively do that.
And it doesn’t have to be weekly. Maybe a mid-month check-in with the community so that we get to learn about what’s being worked on. We’d also learn a lot about the company’s timetable on content design/release. We’d see things like “starting work on 7.4, can’t wait for you all to see it!” And then it would get released, I dunno, six to eight months later? And then the community would have a ballpark idea of how long the process takes. It would also give the Devs a place to say things like “this project had to be set aside due to engine issues, but we will return to it.” I know that we are not entitled to such regular updates, but it would be nice and do a lot to keep some of the more easily agitated people calm.
I’ve mentioned before that this community is a vast, untapped reservoir of people who love this game, likely gaming in general, and these characters. There are a ton of good ideas floating around here that would be freely given if ever they were asked for. Just need to open up those lines of communication
Off the top of my head, they promised these things that didn’t work out:
Nerfs to all attack values across 6.1 and 6.2. None were touched. Never gonna bother exploring act 6, personally.
More frequent variant content - canceled and returned to the usual schedule
Crystal/champion control - 4-star and 5-star dual class crystals were great. It has been nearly a year and a half. The 6-star pool has more champs than the 5-star pool iirc, and we’ve got an extra 30-35 champs released since the dual class crystal rollout. Do we have 6-star dual class crystals? Nope. Meaningful access to awakening gems? Nope. Any other crystals besides 300-unit cavaliers or 15,000-shard features to control our champion pool? Nope.
Edit: also, they botched the progression curve. It’s incredibly hard to get a 6r3. It’s even harder to get 6r4. Is it rewarding? Not very, and only in certain circumstances. It doesn’t make sense that we’re stuck with the same glory store with 5% t5 for 1500 glory when they gave away whole ones over the summer. And a new rank should never require two new resources. It’s quintessentially poor design. You can track from 4-stars all the way to present and it simply doesn’t happen anywhere else.
It's just funny twitter launch of new content always has bugs as the final new development.
Kabam specifically promoted the nerfs “across the entire act” then quietly welched 3 months later. You might be of the opinion that 6.1 and 6.2 exploration don’t need a nerf. I disagree, but the bigger issue is that it was outright promised, never done, and never really explained.
I’m not gonna run 54 pain-in-the-*** paths of act 6 for a measly 25% t5cc and no meaningful amount of shards.