Seatin state of the game opinion

ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,297 ★★★★★
edited December 2021 in General Discussion
Seatin's arguably the most popular MCOC content creator (even though he's taken a a big break in the last 6 months), and his recent State of the Game video sheds some good light on what a lot of us are thinking of the game lately.

I think I agree most with his notes on all the new game modes (Strikers, solo competitive) and QOL stuff (revamped mastery system, relics, wish crystals) not showing up in 2021 as per the last Road Map, and in general the lack of a new or updated Road Map to show where Kabam is with all their plans.

I know a lot of their previous plans probably got sidetracked as they deal with the memory leak and game engine issues recently, but an updated road map explaining what those issues have done to their planned schedule would be appreciated so we can have a realistic outlook on what to look forward to going forward.

Food for thought.


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  • GladsGlads Member Posts: 431 ★★★

    He was always a great voice of the community. And again - I feel every criticism he points out .. unfortunately

    imo, he still is, despite not actively playing the game, he has larger voice than majority of mcoc "voices"
    When u have 10s of thousands of YouTube subscribers its hard not to hear. Rapidly developed content like eq is always going to have bugs, but the amount of bugs currently make it hard to develop the road map. When you have had 1 person or 2 working on dex and parry issues for the last 4 months if they are I suspect they have given up. Then there are less people to develop the road maps.
    It's just funny twitter launch of new content always has bugs as the final new development.
  • SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
    @Wicket329 dude no way. I play D2 too
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