Who to r3 6* from Tech class?

could you please help me to decide who to r3 from Tech class? I have 5* r5 sentinel and sparky. Have 3 tier 5 tech catalyst. Might use 2 for rank up. Already have ghost r3. I have guardian undupped, so waiting to dup him, only after that will r3 him. I have guardian r5 too.
could you please help me to decide who to r3 from Tech class? I have 5* r5 sentinel and sparky. Have 3 tier 5 tech catalyst. Might use 2 for rank up. Already have ghost r3. I have guardian undupped, so waiting to dup him, only after that will r3 him. I have guardian r5 too.
Who to r3 6* from Tech class? 43 votes
Peni for defense
I personally do not like ultron, i do not find him fun to play. Regardless, good luck with your choice!