Unpopular opinion :This month's cav eq is one of the best well designed event quests if not the best

Before starting, I just want to clear it out that I am not a whale. I am very casual free to play player who has not done any alliance stuff in last 6 months. I only have 5 rank 3s.
Here is the thing, since whenever cav eq came in the game they have been restrictive for a lot of players. But the restriction was not that big anymore when the got nerfed but still it was there as you were punished somehow for not using specific class.
This month cav eq is probably the least restrictive so far. People need to understand the fact that they don't NEED to use specific TAG champions. They can use any viable champs from their roster and get away with it. If you do so, there will be only one or two nodes that really make that much sense.
Another thing that the people who really bothered by it are new cavalier players. They need to understand the fact that cav diffivulty is basically somewhere middle between a new cav and a casual tb [like me]. When you became uncollected,you may have found uc difficulty hard as well. Your account will progress enough soon to be there somewhere in the middle. Just keep going.
When it comes to difficulty, it has always been like this. When it comes to design, it is lot less restrictive and just as fun.
Here is the thing, since whenever cav eq came in the game they have been restrictive for a lot of players. But the restriction was not that big anymore when the got nerfed but still it was there as you were punished somehow for not using specific class.
This month cav eq is probably the least restrictive so far. People need to understand the fact that they don't NEED to use specific TAG champions. They can use any viable champs from their roster and get away with it. If you do so, there will be only one or two nodes that really make that much sense.
Another thing that the people who really bothered by it are new cavalier players. They need to understand the fact that cav diffivulty is basically somewhere middle between a new cav and a casual tb [like me]. When you became uncollected,you may have found uc difficulty hard as well. Your account will progress enough soon to be there somewhere in the middle. Just keep going.
When it comes to difficulty, it has always been like this. When it comes to design, it is lot less restrictive and just as fun.
Before you could use a specific class type and blitz through a cav quests with the buffs that class got.
Now you have to slog through the entire cave eq with no real additional help from the nodes.
It's more tedious now, and longer fights means a higher chance to make mistakes. Especially if a person doesn't run suicides.
First chapter with the regen: ignore the nodes and use Void, CapIW, Torch or anyone else who can stop it.
Chapter 3.1 with the unstoppable: you can use heavy bleeders or Mystic nullifiers.
And so on, for all chapters.
If you don't have any of those, again, you should not be attempting it. Play a difficulty lower. Stick to Uncollected. No shame in that.
I agree with the OP, it's quite fun so far (I'm close to fully exploring it).
Before you go telling me about that we should use different champs etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
Let me clear one thing. Why should we not use the champs which supposedly meant to be used here. Cav chapters are based upon certain themes and around that themes, certain champs supposed to get benefit. But then again if those champs in reality are not being complemented by their own kit to the theme of the cav eq, then what's the point of introducing the buffs. Even if they do work, then node combination is messed up. It shows how lazy execution was done. Before advocating the point of that we can use any champ other than themed ones, then what's the point introducing the buffs. I'm not saying it is not doable but it's completely opposite the OP's post. It's not fun. It's bogus and annoying. If I want to, I can explore it without single revive in day. But such bad execution kills the mood.
And biggest BS I found in your post and OP's post is About Restriction and 'NOT SO LONG FIGHTS'. Majority of players here on forum, players on discord chat groups, and content creators in their videos said that this month is restrictive in comparison to the Class based themes. Guy like me with decent roster is fine with it but content can't move to the direction where you have to do 15 min table reading and 5 min filteration in champ selection to play a single path. Now to your NOT SO LONG FIGHTS, you said nodes are there to enhance the attackers so we can use anyone. I suggest you to read nodes again. There are nodes which also punish you for not doing things which node says. And the punishment can be altered of the node by THEMED CHAMPS ONLY. because game works on scale of REWARD AND PUNISHMENT. So if we can overcome the punishment we get reward in terms of advantage of increased damage or similar type of benefit resulting in short or ending fight in some minutes. These REWARD can't be availed by Non themed champs. Thus making the fight a long. It's doable, it is absolutely doable but it's NOT FUN. it's Irritating.
Yes we can do it with anyone - so what's the point of the tagging? The tagged champs themselves get little benefit - eg the bleed debuff on parry in 3.1 is shorter than wolverine. By the time you reparry and get the bleed on, the bleed is almost gone. Use apoc and it's a breeze - very counterintuitive design.
It was a good idea, but execution was not.
Please keep the cross fights they’re really fun!
If each quest had one more tag, taking it from 20-25 champs per quest, to 30-35 champs per quest, there would be a lot more options for the average Cav player, and there wouldn’t be as much of an issue.
I like it being tags and not class, it freshens it up, but there need to be more champs in the pool available to use in conjunction with the global nodes.
I like a shakeup from the routine of “this quest requires this class.” We’ve been doing that for a long time now, so I definitely appreciate the variety on it. Although the nodes were a little wonky for my taste, I enjoyed bringing in a team of Spiderverse/Symbiote/Sinister Six champions for a quest. The quest encouraged the player to bring in champions who synergize well together, and that was very fun. No dead weight champs brought solely for synergy because they were outside the required class. Some of the other groupings could have been better, like Mercenaries/Guardians as mentioned above is very restrictive.
I am concerned about the tag system because there are many, many champions who do not fall into *any* of the tags. For example, Odin and Silver Surfer are two of my favorite champions to use, and they have no quest in which they thrive here. If these tag based systems are going to persist (which I have no problem with!), I think Kabam will need to create new families of tags (such as possibly #Asgardians), and revisit already released champions.
The cross fights are also very cool. And the fact that you can ramp up several of your champs and have them hitting extremely hard against the boss of the quest is also great. It solved a problem I had with the regular EQ design where your champions would feel strong and fun and then have to slog through a boring boss fight.
I’m torn on the fact that you don’t have to really play into the nodes to succeed. On the one hand, it’s objectively good that players don’t need exceedingly deep or wide rosters to complete the EQ. On the other hand, and this isn’t exclusive to this current month’s EQ, it feels silly that I can just throw a team into a fight without reading the nodes and probably be fine.
So, like I said at the top: the core ideas at play here are fun and I like them. They just need refining and expanding upon.
1. Infrastructure (user interface) is not there to support content designed around tagged champions.
You can filter by a Tag, but the search function is restrictive not additive (you can search for someone who is a Dimensional Being AND an Illuminati, but not for everyone who is either). Rather than simple button press (like with Classes), you have to button press and then type and then button press again. Typing out tags or scrolling through a long list of tags is not elegant. That adds an additional layer of burden before you can get to the fun (playing the actual game).
2. Quest/chapter design doesn't readily let you know who to bring in.
Sure, the Preview function alleviates this somehow, but it is not perfect. Before, you'd preview, see that you need Tech who can Armor Break, and then quickly filter to Tech champs and build your roster from there. This month, you have to preview, read which Tags are applicable (having to remember three things instead of one class), and what is the node mechanic you have to play around (having to remember that they get Armor up on block, plus each Armor up has an additional node effect like decreased debuff duration). Only then can you decide to build your team, which has the added time delay of having to search for Tagged champions.
Sure, one can argue that Players could remember (or write down) that for Ch 1.2 they should bring Quake, Taskmaster, Apocalypse, NF, and Cable. But this is a workaround, which is evidence that something is poorly designed.
Whether the actual feeling of the quest is fun or not (ie. it feels the right kind of difficult, the cross fight furies make the next fight feel like a power fantasy; the boss is too overtuned, etc.), these pre-fight (not champion ability pre-fight, but everything that occurs before you actually get to fight) design choices suck a lot of fun out of the EQ for me.
That could be a valid argument based on the name of the EQ: "Cavalier", I give you that. However, you need to understand that this is the higher difficulty of monthly EQ. People with MUCH more developed roster than mine and with multiple 6R3s (even a 6R4 nowadays) are supposed to be challenged by the difficulty of this content. Now we could argue that Kabam should / could rename it or create a higher difficulty addressed to progressed TB players. But shoulda / woulda / coulda. It is what it is.
But I really did try to honor Kabam's efforts on this quest. I initially read through the nodes, looked through my roster, etc., and it's just unrealistic. If you're going to make it based on tags, then the rank up resources (including ISO bonuses) need to also be based on tags. B/c nobody ranks up based on tags except for variants that are permanent (and not monthly). Thew ay the rankup ecosystem is designed by Kabam, rankups are based on class.
If they want to go the tag route, it'd be awesome if a few roster spots can get a free bonus rankup for the duration of that quest. Otherwise it's unrealistic to expect players to use scarce resources to rank up champions for a quest that will only last a month and whose rewards are pretty meager.
Some people say "That should be TB difficulty with better rewards"... Well then you will probably have new TBs complaining about how hard it is to have a roster of r3s to complete it and the unfairness..
This months EQ in my opinion was fun, people complain about LC... And probably went thinking.. "Oh my LC is science im gonna take a Skill champ and wreck it derp derp" all u needed was an armor breaker..
The merc chapter... All u needed was ANY heavy bleeder...
People ask for challenges, game js stale.. new thing comes out and then cry about having to figire it out.. just burn your energy running proving grounds in auto mode...
Been a while since i had fun on EQ and this was a lot of fun
Lets put it this way... U might live in a rich neighborhood, but that doesnt mean u r rich...
This was fresh idea, no doubt. Was EQ undoable? No, it's doable & easy .Was is it fun? No it wasn't.
Game devs create a mode, where you supposedly get good out of your champs I'm specific situation. You try the situation and find out that that's not the case. I have no problem using other champs. It's just what's the point in introducing the buff if in realistic situation we can't even use it.
Tag champ system is restrictive because some good champs don't belong to any tag at all. Then there are tags which were not in this month eq, leading to space out other champs. Then the current tag champ which were in eq actually are outdated or out classed by others. People rarely rank some of them.
The argument that this current EQ should be TB difficulty by other people is not a good one either.. u would have new TBs complaining about the difficulty too..
It's not about being able to "deal with it" It's whether it's fun (it's not), doable in the same length of time as other cav nodes (it's not). Does it achieve the aim of making you rank up the tagged champs like class-based Cav eq (Hell no)
Also, what's the point of all this "Anyone can do it" if the node is supposed to make you use the tagged champs.
Finally, an unpopular opinion is not necessarily a correct opinion only you and a few enlightened group of people hold. It can also be wrong and I think this one is.
There are good and bad parts of Cav eq. People give feedback to improve the bad parts. Telling them, it's not the design, it's your "skills" or roster, just "git gud" is not exactly constructive feedback.
Indeed, that is my video. Don’t hide behind 6R3 rank. You know that 15-20% more damage and health over a 6R2 / 5R5 does not change a thing. It’s the way the fight was controlled. Any great Mystic nullified can do this fight and this whole path, actually, even as R5 or 6R2.
Against Science champs you say? Well, there are actually 3 options:
1. Keep using your Mystic nullifier, because he / she will nullify that unstoppable out. Awesome…?
2. Use Nick Fury. I did, against that Yellowjacket for example
3. Use a different champion. I will give you a hint: it’s a Mutant and part of the above team. With Slow on Sp1. Who inflicts a passive stun and fights that node. Come on, you will find it with your deep game knowledge. I used her against Ant-man, since you ask. Long fight? Sure. But I finished at 100% health.
Sorry my good man. It has been crazy fun for me. Agree to disagree. And I’m being TOTALLY honest here and not trying to “win” an internet debate. It has been the most fun and challenging Cavaloer EQ of the past months for me.
Some of these champions teams are ranked up for me. Others not. It didn’t matter, because I could still use anyone, as proven to my video. As I said, this is not a single / cheese fight. The same tactic was applied to the whole path.
But you know, whatever.