Unpopular opinion :This month's cav eq is one of the best well designed event quests if not the best



  • Terry_BolleaTerry_Bollea Member Posts: 55
    I hated this month's EQ when I first started it. But the more time I spend playing it the more I'm enjoying it. Coild definitely use some tweaks bit overall a good change.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,300 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    I could write an essay too, but too bored to do this. But here's a video of cutting through your BS:


    Deal with is. You lack either the roster, the skill or the game knowledge. Your problem to figure it out.

    I would love to see that against science champs. Coming up with 1 video of one chapter doesn't solve the issue. If you want to see cheese type fights then there are lot of interaction like that. Stop defending the chore. At the core , most of the players know that this type of BS and lengthy and annoying nodes are unhealthy for FUN TIME.
    Making one video doesn't rectifies how lazy and poor execution was done in EQ. What if majority don't have Sorcerer at high rank??
    ... See thats a problem when u think that class advantage > champ ability... Why does it matter if its a science defender when u gotta NULLIFY an ability?.. yeah of course some science are easier to kill with a skill... But would u chose Wolverine to kill Korg?...
    With wags , wolvie would be awesome. It just a shame, I don't have him at high sig
    So why are u using the excuse of a synergy ability and not applying it to a single champion?
    It would be great with wags...
    Same way that the node shown on the vid calls for a champ with nullify... Regardless if its science or not
    Well I can fight korg with Wolvie anytime. He is not that much of Worst defender now a days. It will be a long fight. Plus you are contradicting your own statment. Idk if Wolvie comes in that TAG POOL this month's eq . But if that's the case, then why would I will not use a synergy with him. There's a difference between the champs which were supposed to get buff and this whole design was made for , thus taking a synergy help for then that purpose or THE CHAMPS YOU WERE FORCED TO BRING AS THE NODES DOESN'T COMPLEMENT THE FORMER ONE AT ALL AND YOU USED SYNERGY FOR THAT ONE TOO FOR EXAMPLE SS SYNERGY
    So please enlighten me , is it good show case of Execution here??? In 1 case your bring Synergy champ for the SPECIFIC CHAMP which was supposed to be good cuz of the theme but you call out that HIDING BEHIND SYNERGY NOT meanwhile Encouraging the use of champ which don't fit into the pool which was created with a purpose,this failing the PURPOSE AT FIRST HAND and top of that you are using synergy partner for it . Talk about hypocrisy.

    I would prefer a scenario, where the certain situation was created by DEVS for certain pools and designing the whole thing around them rather than a scenario where the PURPOSE FAILS SHORT AND THE END RESULT OF BEING FUN END INSTEAD IN ANNOYANCE,BOGUS AMD SLOG FIGHTS
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    I could write an essay too, but too bored to do this. But here's a video of cutting through your BS:


    Deal with is. You lack either the roster, the skill or the game knowledge. Your problem to figure it out.

    I would love to see that against science champs. Coming up with 1 video of one chapter doesn't solve the issue. If you want to see cheese type fights then there are lot of interaction like that. Stop defending the chore. At the core , most of the players know that this type of BS and lengthy and annoying nodes are unhealthy for FUN TIME.
    Making one video doesn't rectifies how lazy and poor execution was done in EQ. What if majority don't have Sorcerer at high rank??
    ... See thats a problem when u think that class advantage > champ ability... Why does it matter if its a science defender when u gotta NULLIFY an ability?.. yeah of course some science are easier to kill with a skill... But would u chose Wolverine to kill Korg?...
    With wags , wolvie would be awesome. It just a shame, I don't have him at high sig
    So why are u using the excuse of a synergy ability and not applying it to a single champion?
    It would be great with wags...
    Same way that the node shown on the vid calls for a champ with nullify... Regardless if its science or not
    Well I can fight korg with Wolvie anytime. He is not that much of Worst defender now a days. It will be a long fight. Plus you are contradicting your own statment. Idk if Wolvie comes in that TAG POOL this month's eq . But if that's the case, then why would I will not use a synergy with him. There's a difference between the champs which were supposed to get buff and this whole design was made for , thus taking a synergy help for then that purpose or THE CHAMPS YOU WERE FORCED TO BRING AS THE NODES DOESN'T COMPLEMENT THE FORMER ONE AT ALL AND YOU USED SYNERGY FOR THAT ONE TOO FOR EXAMPLE SS SYNERGY
    So please enlighten me , is it good show case of Execution here??? In 1 case your bring Synergy champ for the SPECIFIC CHAMP which was supposed to be good cuz of the theme but you call out that HIDING BEHIND SYNERGY NOT meanwhile Encouraging the use of champ which don't fit into the pool which was created with a purpose,this failing the PURPOSE AT FIRST HAND and top of that you are using synergy partner for it . Talk about hypocrisy.

    I would prefer a scenario, where the certain situation was created by DEVS for certain pools and designing the whole thing around them rather than a scenario where the PURPOSE FAILS SHORT AND THE END RESULT OF BEING FUN END INSTEAD IN ANNOYANCE,BOGUS AMD SLOG FIGHTS
    Dude are u kidding me? A guy showed a vid of Sorc Supreme and they responded well lol i would like to see u facing a Science... YES THERE IS A CLASS DISAVANTAGE, YES THERE ARE BUFFS ON TAGGED CHAMPIONS AND A WAY AROUND THE NODE; but also there is a way around the node with a Nullify... The class disadvantage makes the fight longer.. but does it make it impossible?... Is it worth ranking up a skill champ that meets the tag criteria because of a class disadvantages?.. NO...
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,300 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    I could write an essay too, but too bored to do this. But here's a video of cutting through your BS:


    Deal with is. You lack either the roster, the skill or the game knowledge. Your problem to figure it out.

    I would love to see that against science champs. Coming up with 1 video of one chapter doesn't solve the issue. If you want to see cheese type fights then there are lot of interaction like that. Stop defending the chore. At the core , most of the players know that this type of BS and lengthy and annoying nodes are unhealthy for FUN TIME.
    Making one video doesn't rectifies how lazy and poor execution was done in EQ. What if majority don't have Sorcerer at high rank??
    ... See thats a problem when u think that class advantage > champ ability... Why does it matter if its a science defender when u gotta NULLIFY an ability?.. yeah of course some science are easier to kill with a skill... But would u chose Wolverine to kill Korg?...
    With wags , wolvie would be awesome. It just a shame, I don't have him at high sig
    So why are u using the excuse of a synergy ability and not applying it to a single champion?
    It would be great with wags...
    Same way that the node shown on the vid calls for a champ with nullify... Regardless if its science or not
    Well I can fight korg with Wolvie anytime. He is not that much of Worst defender now a days. It will be a long fight. Plus you are contradicting your own statment. Idk if Wolvie comes in that TAG POOL this month's eq . But if that's the case, then why would I will not use a synergy with him. There's a difference between the champs which were supposed to get buff and this whole design was made for , thus taking a synergy help for then that purpose or THE CHAMPS YOU WERE FORCED TO BRING AS THE NODES DOESN'T COMPLEMENT THE FORMER ONE AT ALL AND YOU USED SYNERGY FOR THAT ONE TOO FOR EXAMPLE SS SYNERGY
    So please enlighten me , is it good show case of Execution here??? In 1 case your bring Synergy champ for the SPECIFIC CHAMP which was supposed to be good cuz of the theme but you call out that HIDING BEHIND SYNERGY NOT meanwhile Encouraging the use of champ which don't fit into the pool which was created with a purpose,this failing the PURPOSE AT FIRST HAND and top of that you are using synergy partner for it . Talk about hypocrisy.

    I would prefer a scenario, where the certain situation was created by DEVS for certain pools and designing the whole thing around them rather than a scenario where the PURPOSE FAILS SHORT AND THE END RESULT OF BEING FUN END INSTEAD IN ANNOYANCE,BOGUS AMD SLOG FIGHTS
    Dude are u kidding me? A guy showed a vid of Sorc Supreme and they responded well lol i would like to see u facing a Science... YES THERE IS A CLASS DISAVANTAGE, YES THERE ARE BUFFS ON TAGGED CHAMPIONS AND A WAY AROUND THE NODE; but also there is a way around the node with a Nullify... The class disadvantage makes the fight longer.. but does it make it impossible?... Is it worth ranking up a skill champ that meets the tag criteria because of a class disadvantages?.. NO...
    Was it question about doable when OP posted this ?? Did I said it was impossible?? Did I say we legally can't use any other champs???? Did I said that other champs become useless????

    Whole point was about having fun and long fights issue. You remarked me of hiding behind synergy Champ meanwhile the SS used the synergy herself. Tho she could do it without synergy but then again it will make fight more long. You are again n again contracting your own statement dude.

    Let me put it in simple way

    1:-Dev organised a event with rewards and punishment as core with specific Champs.
    2:-Now event goes live
    3:-You see lengthy notes and other time consuming stuff which are worse than before
    4:- The supposed rewards and punishment for specific champs were created to refresh the mood and create more fun and challenge.
    5:- Players played it
    6:- It was found out that those specific champs aren't good enough with nodes due to the combination of nodes and THEIR OWN KIT.
    7:- One major point, Half of the SPECIFIC TARGETED CHAMPS are not so very popular in regards with their usage in endgame content and many dont have at high ranks.
    8:- This all created the niche and Restrictive approach towards the said event.
    9:- People used general teams as usual, which actually isn't issue as event is doable.( Don't forget that aspect of punishment cannot be balanced fully without the specific champ)


    Then where the god dammit fun, if we can't actually use the champs which the WHOLE DAMN THEME WAS CREATED.
    OP said how fun and CREATIVE this EQ was. I don't see any creative thing I'd it fails to adress the major points.
    What kind of hypocrisy is this?????? This is way wrong, how content is moving. Is this the direction we want in game?? I don't like and can't have fun where the Whole purpose of the event or content can't even execute the its PURPOSE AND CORE IDEA IN REALITY. this is what I was talking about. Not why SS can't be used , or NF or BWCV .
    Idk if you even read the answer to your posts till the end . Cuz you answer seems half baked
  • Tvanza77Tvanza77 Member Posts: 1
    Personally, I have not enjoyed this months Cav EQ. The biggest problem is the node in 3.1 that requires reparries or intercepts. It's been a real drag considering the fact that the game is pretty buggy at the moment, and just doing a good ol' fashioned parry is a coin flip as it is. I just think some of the node combinations are a bit short sided considering the games current situation.
    Also, why even bother using Guardians of the Galaxy As a tag group? Outside of Gamora and Maybe...MAYBE Starlord, who is pretty outdated at the moment...they are all pretty bad, no one will have them ranked up. Let me just grab my 5* r5 Groot to clear this.... LAUGHABLE.

    As an "As free as possible player" I really need the resources from these monthly EQs. And no I'm not the best player, but I play every day and do my best in trying to get better every day. I never once had an issue with the previous months EQs. Even the first month after getting Cav I cleared right through it.

    I feel like this should have been a TB EQ and left Cav EQ as it was. TBs will have the bigger roster to tackle these. And most probably have devices that function properly with the new battle realm and it's many interesting and totally intended game functions....
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Being a smarta**
    Or you work for Kabam
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,953 Guardian
    I have enjoyed this months' cav eq. On both my accounts.
    yes, Im a TB player and have a wide roster.
    But for cav eq i barely used my r3s.

    I think the new nodes are quite fun and non restrictive.
    I also think some interactions arent fun, example 3.1. 3.1 was not much fun though i used domino r5 for a majority of it, i brought non themed champs for the most part.
    I enjoyed the crossfights, my r4 5* and r1 6* were hitting so hard it was really fun to play.

    Maybe evaluate some interactions with nodes, and tone down the unstoppable.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the eq. Thumbs up from me, for the most part.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★
    I enjoyed it this month.

    Most of the tags I had a champion at R3 or 5/65.

    I found out I really don't like spider verse champs at all.

    I hope they do another rotation of it. If it stays people will have a reason to explore their roster or attempt to get certain champs. The people that hate it are sometimes the folks saying there is nothing to do.

    This is not like the 4* challenge for the T5cc at all. You can still use whoever you want and aren't forced to rank anyone if you don't want to.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,387 ★★★★★
    Your argument has no strength behind it, because the previous cav eq nodes were designed to make the quests go by quicker. For as many paths and healthpools each fight has, that added bonus was nice to have. Being able to bring anyone doesnt change the fights from being long
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Your argument has no strength behind it, because the previous cav eq nodes were designed to make the quests go by quicker. For as many paths and healthpools each fight has, that added bonus was nice to have. Being able to bring anyone doesnt change the fights from being long

    The fights are longer. Yes. And...?
  • SharperthanyouSharperthanyou Member Posts: 180

    If you don't have the roster to explore this month's Cavalier EQ, you should not attempt doing it. The nodes are only enhancing and you can use anyone you like. And if you do, then NO, the fights are not a "slog" or too long.

    First chapter with the regen: ignore the nodes and use Void, CapIW, Torch or anyone else who can stop it.
    Chapter 3.1 with the unstoppable: you can use heavy bleeders or Mystic nullifiers.
    And so on, for all chapters.

    If you don't have any of those, again, you should not be attempting it. Play a difficulty lower. Stick to Uncollected. No shame in that.

    I agree with the OP, it's quite fun so far (I'm close to fully exploring it).

    I have the roster to explore this quest and have already done it. Everyone has their own definition for fun. Even though I explored this quest without a lot of trouble it absolutely was not fun for me.

    For most of the fights the champions that the got the cross fight bonuses did not make sense. Just picking the best champion for the fight ignoring the cross fight bonus made the fights last too long.

    The general idea of what Kabam was trying to do seemed interesting but the implementation was extremely poor.
  • TheCoverGirlTheCoverGirl Member Posts: 89 ★★
    Personally, I didn't find this event fun at all.
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