Awakening Poll

I can only awaken one for now. I use just about every one of these fighters. Feel free to comment if you feel there could be a runner-up if I happen to naturally awaken a champion during the wait for the results of this poll. Thank you.
Awakening Poll 28 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
CG it helps for AQ mainly, Herc's is really good as well if you know how to use herc.
I make mistakes enough times throughout fights where I need some defense.
Also, there seems to be a play-style for Corvus that I just can't do. When those glaive charges go, I'm forced to be very reserved for 60 seconds (or however long it takes for the cooldow).
Hercules has a good enough defensive kit that doesn't make me pay for missed intercepts.
Corvus is R3 while Hercules is R2.
Would awakening Corvus make me want to use him more often?
I'm missing something with Corvus. Yet everyone says to awaken him. I'd really rather awaken someone who I'd feel glad about doing it. I didn't notice that much of a difference (besides the immortality) with my max sig 4* Corvus. Otherwise, it appears the CG is a dex (no contact) and hit into block type of fighter. IDK
1 sig is all he needs it allows you to not die from stuff like degen.
If you prefer herc then do herc really neither are wrong and you'll be happy either way.
I'm done. Thank you everyone for your input and votes.