My suggestion to BALANCE the game after gifting event

Open the TB difficulty in monthly EQ and put T3 ALPHA AND T6 BASIC stuff and put some to side quest and act 7 much more than you already did because the whales are going to be in another level after this event and I am concerned this will affect the future of MCOC in a bad way which you can understand from the perspective of many players. What are your thoughts?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
lesson two: game needs money to run and this is how they earn it
lesson three: it would be more available soon so dw
I do see Kabam being more generous with act 7 exploration rewards now. Perhaps a full rank 4 champ now. Then to close the gap more, another abyss ect. Stuff like that.
As a business it needs to earn revenue.
With revenue the developer is able to reinvest in MCOC.
(Which is good for all players including F2P)
Without revenue MCOC would go bankrupt
I for one wish whomever gets the top spec rank rewards the very best. Their financial donation to MCOC will help ensure it will be around this time next yr where we can have the same conversation as we are having now about the Gifting event….
Also, this is a game, so I don’t think these issues are important enough to worry about.
The whales get quite a bit of judgement, simply by that name being used, but without those few spending obscene amounts of cash, the game probably wouldn’t have endured the way it has. So to those who do blow large amounts on an online fighting game, thank you 👍
Secondly while a thronebreaker difficulty has been suggested/ requested more than once, the amount of effort it would take the balance it out with the appropriate level of difficulty to Rewards is easier said than done. Those who don't remember the Early times when Cavalier were given their own difficulty, argued that it didn't feel properly balanced until a couple months later so if we were to start thronebreaker difficulty in January, you wouldn't feel right until March-April.