Iron Fist Buff Concept

After an inspiring conversation with @BitterSteel and @Ercarret , I decided to try my hand at a new buff concept for Iron Fist. We have also agreed to collaborate on a concept together next month, but for now, I will post my solo attempt.
The idea was to combine Chi, the power of the Iron Fist, and martial arts styles and matching synergies into his kit in a seamless, reasonable and accessible way.
Hope you like it and please leave your thoughts below.
Immune to Armour Break and Armour Shatter
Chi mechanics:
Gain 3 Chi Charges when intercepting the opponent
Gain 2 Chi Charges when punishing a Heavy or Special
Gain 2 Chi Charges when striking a Stunned opponent
Gain 1 Chi Charges when performing a Dodge or Well Timed Block
Max Chi charges: 30
Accessing the Iron Fist:
Chi Charges are converted into an Iron Fist passive, 0.6 seconds per Chi charge
(Chi charges cannot be gained while in Iron Fist mode)
Fourth Light Attack: spend 5 Chi charges to gain a non-stacking Energize buff, increasing Combat Power Rate by 25% for 8 seconds
Heavy Attacks:
Inflict a non-stacking Slow debuff for 5 seconds, reducing Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%
Special Attacks:
If at 30 Chi charges, enter Iron Fist mode
All strikes pause Iron Fist mode
Special 1 Attack - Tiger Form:
Inflict an Armour break on the opponent, reducing Armour rating by 575 for 15 seconds. Max stacks 3.
Gain 3 Chi Charges
Iron Fist: Each strike Neutralizes the opponent for 2.5 seconds.
Special 2 Attack - Dragon Form:
Each Chi Charge increases this Attack by +175
Iron Fist: Deal Direct Damage equal to 40% of each strike
Special 3 Attack - Crane Form:
Drains 10% of one bar of Power
Iron Fist: Reduce opponent Defensive Combat Power Rate by 25%
Sig ability:
Max Chi Charges increased to 40 (sig 1)
Chi Charges duration increased from 0.6-1.2 seconds (sig 1-200)
Incoming debuffs are reduced in duration by 10-50% (sig1-200)
True Tiger Form - with Tigra
Special 1 Attack is Unblockable
True Dragon Form - with KP, Dragon Man and Sauron
Special 2 Attack deals an additional 20% Direct Damage per strike
True Crane Form - with DH, Falcon and Vulture
Special 3 Attack drains one bar of Power, and Power Locks the opponent for 5 seconds
Defenders - with DDHK, Elektra, Luke Cage
Gain +60% bleed and poison resistance
Heroes for Hire - with Luke Cage
Gain +10% Attack
Expert Martial Artists - with Shang-Chi
IF - increase Slow to 10 seconds
The idea was to combine Chi, the power of the Iron Fist, and martial arts styles and matching synergies into his kit in a seamless, reasonable and accessible way.
Hope you like it and please leave your thoughts below.
Immune to Armour Break and Armour Shatter
Chi mechanics:
Gain 3 Chi Charges when intercepting the opponent
Gain 2 Chi Charges when punishing a Heavy or Special
Gain 2 Chi Charges when striking a Stunned opponent
Gain 1 Chi Charges when performing a Dodge or Well Timed Block
Max Chi charges: 30
Accessing the Iron Fist:
Chi Charges are converted into an Iron Fist passive, 0.6 seconds per Chi charge
(Chi charges cannot be gained while in Iron Fist mode)
Fourth Light Attack: spend 5 Chi charges to gain a non-stacking Energize buff, increasing Combat Power Rate by 25% for 8 seconds
Heavy Attacks:
Inflict a non-stacking Slow debuff for 5 seconds, reducing Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%
Special Attacks:
If at 30 Chi charges, enter Iron Fist mode
All strikes pause Iron Fist mode
Special 1 Attack - Tiger Form:
Inflict an Armour break on the opponent, reducing Armour rating by 575 for 15 seconds. Max stacks 3.
Gain 3 Chi Charges
Iron Fist: Each strike Neutralizes the opponent for 2.5 seconds.
Special 2 Attack - Dragon Form:
Each Chi Charge increases this Attack by +175
Iron Fist: Deal Direct Damage equal to 40% of each strike
Special 3 Attack - Crane Form:
Drains 10% of one bar of Power
Iron Fist: Reduce opponent Defensive Combat Power Rate by 25%
Sig ability:
Max Chi Charges increased to 40 (sig 1)
Chi Charges duration increased from 0.6-1.2 seconds (sig 1-200)
Incoming debuffs are reduced in duration by 10-50% (sig1-200)
True Tiger Form - with Tigra
Special 1 Attack is Unblockable
True Dragon Form - with KP, Dragon Man and Sauron
Special 2 Attack deals an additional 20% Direct Damage per strike
True Crane Form - with DH, Falcon and Vulture
Special 3 Attack drains one bar of Power, and Power Locks the opponent for 5 seconds
Defenders - with DDHK, Elektra, Luke Cage
Gain +60% bleed and poison resistance
Heroes for Hire - with Luke Cage
Gain +10% Attack
Expert Martial Artists - with Shang-Chi
IF - increase Slow to 10 seconds
I feel maybe the Iron Fist could cause Stagger...?
...oh, I missed the Neutralise
I forget what that does
"glowing fist/gun " tht works like massacre's bat that inflicts armor breaks on each hit,stagger/ nulify buffs n
and combine both to inflict either Long enervate or strong supression
I like the Iron Fist mode and the way it adds an additional layer to specials. I'm all for good kits that don't need 15 pages of detail. Hyperion is the perfect example of a kit that doesn't need a Debuff because it's aged so well. Magik is another one.
Nice job on the synergies as well - feel very much 'in character'. I'm glad the Defenders are reflected in a synergy and there is a special synergy for Luke Cage.
But numbers seem kinda underwhelming
+175 Attack per Chi charge gives you +7000 Attack rating per hit on the SP2 when IF is Awakened. Bring Luke Cage on the team and that’s +7700 Attack.
Edit: there’s also direct damage to deal when you’ve accessed the Iron Fist, with synergies that’s 60% direct damage per hit of the SP2.
To put things into perspective, DDHK gains a Fury buff of +2800, and hitting an SP2 gives you about 48k of damage over 3 hits.
This is more than double of that, with direct damage too. You’re talking about 211k SP2 with IF awakened + Dragon Form and Heroes for Hire synergies.
Edit 2: I’m assuming his SP2 is 3 hits. So that gives you 44k per hit and 26k direct damage per hit.
Frankly speaking, it was a last minute addition. And although I felt like it was too much, I wanted to give players a way to ramp him up quickly if the AI was being passive.
I really appreciate your feedback on this point, it’s what I was looking for. 1 charge is probably more than enough and a good way to balance it. Maybe even 1 charge per stun.
Yes, based on a 5-star 5/65.
Thanks so much for the kind words too!
Kabam John did say they want to give the OGs some new art and I feel like Iron Fist falls into that category.
As for trophy champs - I’m looking at my 5-star Thanos and I’m like 😐 what do I do with this?
I hope IIF, Thanos and Kang get some work in the future. Animations, VFX, new kit, synergies, the lot.
Chi mechanics:
Gain 3 Chi Charges when intercepting the opponent
Gain 3 Chi Charges when punishing a Heavy or Special
Gain 1 Chi Charge when striking a Stunned opponent (per stun)
Gain 1 Chi Charge when performing a Dodge or Well Timed Block
Special 1 Attack - Tiger Form:
Inflict an non-stacking Armour break on the opponent, reducing Armour rating by 750 for 20 seconds.
The SP1 shouldn’t take the focus away from the SP2, so it doesn’t need to be too big and the ABs shouldn’t stack. The focus of the ABs is primarily to give IF more utility against champs like Ghost and Mysterio - and damage-wise should function as a small boost to the SP2.
And I don't even have him yet...
Anyway, seeing Iron Fist actually using the Iron Fist when attacking could bring interesting visuals.
Main problem with him is he doesn't have any meaningful utility other than nullify on heavies and armour breaks
I’d like to see him gain Chi charges while charging a heavy (like channeling - kinda like Prof X).
While Meditating (charging heavy) he leaves his physical body returning to Kun Lun in his ethereal form gaining 1 Chi per second.
During meditation his body is in the ancestral dimension and Iron Fist gains an “ethereal” buff until the heavy charge is completed (cool down 8 seconds). An “ethereal buff” causes all opponent attacks to miss (each miss grants an additional Chi charge).
Once the ethereal buff expires (or heavy charge ends) Iron Fist returns to his body with newly acquired Chi and wisdom and gains a Fury buff increasing attack rating by 245 for each Chi charge lasting 12 seconds.
Something like that
Also that ethereal concept reminds me of Strange in his Astral form! Super cool!
I like the DDHK synergy idea
Just saying 😈
He channels his Chi and harnesses all that power into his fist making it more powerful - hence the “Iron Fist”.
Or do I have that all wrong?