Spot between Nimrod and Sentinel feels more aligned to Bastion than to Omega Sentinel.
The last herald is literally The Fallen One. I cannot think of anyone else that has come to peace and is technically not a herald while being connected to Silver Surfer. It's the Fallen One for sure.
The connection between Kraven and Rhino could either be Lizard or Scorpion.
Every year that Black Swan doesn’t join this game or isn’t in a new comic release (so like five to eight times a week) a piece of my soul dies. There are a couple slots that could maybe (finally) bring Yabbat Ummon Turru into the contest. Here’s hoping (for my sanity’s sake)🤞
That big question mark next to Dr Doom interests me quite a bit
I'm thinking molecule man honestly. Don't know why but.
I would love for them to add Molecule man but I feel like he's too overpowered and they wouldn't be able to do him justice. That being said he could still be a npc
I mean... Galactus himself was TERRIFIED of him in the comics. So I hope they don't add him because I don't think they could do him justice... as the only way they could is a boss only character that makes even Abyss Collector look easy to fight.
Question Mark connected to Luke Cage --> Jessica Jones possibly or Misty Knight Question Mark connected to Captain America (original) --> Patriot Question Mark connected to Black Panther (original) --> Shuri Question Mark connected to She-Hulk --> Titania Question Marks connected to Scarlet Witch --> Wiccan and Speed Question(Red) Mark connected to Overseer --> Kabam Original or Hulking Question Mark between Spider-Man Stark Enhanced and Iron Man (original) --> Summoner’s Choice Character Question Mark between SpiderMan Symbiote and Dr. Strange --> Black Cat Question Mark connected to Dr. Strange --> Black Ant, Enchantress, Mad Thinker, Titania, Amadeus Cho (Illumanati Member) Question Mark connected to Sentinel and Nimrod --> Omega Sentinel Question Mark connected to Psylocke --> Captain Britain Question Mark connected to Thor Ragnarok and Odin --> Valkyrie Question Mark connected to Odin --> Gorr the godbutcher Question Mark connected to Star Lord and Drax --> Adam Warlock or Mantis Question Mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Sandman, Scorpion, or Lizard Question Mark not connected, but below Kingpin --> Echo Question Mark connected to Dr. Doom --> Black Swan or Maximus Question Mark connected to Silver Surfer and Galactus --> Nova (Frankie Raye)
Definitely going to review the map some more and think if I've missed any connections. Also going to watch the video roadmap thing they posted last year to see if any other clues may be there in light of this new state of the battle realm map.
I'm a little disappointed that we got Sam Wilson Captain America instead of Patriot. Would have been nice to get a new character and not another Captain America or Falcon. Who knows maybe we still could get Patriot in the future. Sadly I believe this is a missed opportunity.
Question Mark connected to Luke Cage --> Jessica Jones possibly or Misty Knight Question Mark connected to Captain America (original) --> Patriot Question Mark connected to Black Panther (original) --> Shuri Question Mark connected to She-Hulk --> Titania Question Marks connected to Scarlet Witch --> Wiccan and Speed Question(Red) Mark connected to Overseer --> Kabam Original or Hulking Question Mark between Spider-Man Stark Enhanced and Iron Man (original) --> Summoner’s Choice Character Question Mark between SpiderMan Symbiote and Dr. Strange --> Black Cat Question Mark connected to Dr. Strange --> Black Ant, Enchantress, Mad Thinker, Titania, Amadeus Cho (Illumanati Member) Question Mark connected to Sentinel and Nimrod --> Omega Sentinel Question Mark connected to Psylocke --> Captain Britain Question Mark connected to Thor Ragnarok and Odin --> Valkyrie Question Mark connected to Odin --> Gorr the godbutcher Question Mark connected to Star Lord and Drax --> Adam Warlock or Mantis Question Mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Sandman, Scorpion, or Lizard Question Mark not connected, but below Kingpin --> Echo Question Mark connected to Dr. Doom --> Black Swan or Maximus Question Mark connected to Silver Surfer and Galactus --> Nova (Frankie Raye)
Definitely going to review the map some more and think if I've missed any connections. Also going to watch the video roadmap thing they posted last year to see if any other clues may be there in light of this new state of the battle realm map.
Looking at my guesses/predictions I see I went 50/50 with February. Going to be interesting to look at this each month and of course review it at the end of the year.
The only reason you were off for February was because you didn't anticipate that Kabam wasn't going to do something to celebrate Black History Month.
I did anticipate that, but thought they would include a character which was shown to some measure on The Falon and Winter Soldier show. Not only that be he was one of the characters mentioned on Marvel's website int this article titled 8 Marvel Heroes You Should Know This Black History Month. The article was posted Feb 19, 2022.
I’m going to revise some of my guesses and post them here, just so there is a public record of how far off I am.
January: Obviously Sauron and Toad
February: Captain Falcon and Misty Knight as we know (called Misty)
March: Omega Sentinel and Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock)
April: Black Cat and Scorpion
May: Clea and Wiccan
June: Hulkling and Karolina Dean (This second one is a really tangential wildcard because I’m really not sure)(Could also be Photon)
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: New Herald (Kabam OG) and Quicksilver
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Not much has changed, but Captain Falcon kinda threw me off for February and June
I'm really thinking Black Cat seems like the obvious since I believe it was Rich the Man posted about the Hero for Hire synergy with a question mark. Curious do you think Scorpion is more certain than Sandman? Just curious as it is always fun to see new Spider Man villains added.
I like your call for march that seems very plausible.
I’m going to revise some of my guesses and post them here, just so there is a public record of how far off I am.
January: Obviously Sauron and Toad
February: Captain Falcon and Misty Knight as we know (called Misty)
March: Omega Sentinel and Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock)
April: Black Cat and Scorpion
May: Clea and Wiccan
June: Hulkling and Karolina Dean (This second one is a really tangential wildcard because I’m really not sure)(Could also be Photon)
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: New Herald (Kabam OG) and Quicksilver
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Not much has changed, but Captain Falcon kinda threw me off for February and June
I'm really thinking Black Cat seems like the obvious since I believe it was Rich the Man posted about the Hero for Hire synergy with a question mark. Curious do you think Scorpion is more certain than Sandman? Just curious as it is always fun to see new Spider Man villains added.
I like your call for march that seems very plausible.
The heroes for hire synergy could also be Silver Sable, who is also a Spidey ally. Really that particular champ could be either with no real way to distinguish, but I’m certainly hoping for Black Cat more
The thing that sells me on Scorpion is the question mark in Toad’s synergies for the synergy called ‘In My Nature’. It relates to the fable of the frog and the scorpion, so seems like a natural fit
I’m going to revise some of my guesses and post them here, just so there is a public record of how far off I am.
January: Obviously Sauron and Toad
February: Captain Falcon and Misty Knight as we know (called Misty)
March: Omega Sentinel and Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock)
April: Black Cat and Scorpion
May: Clea and Wiccan
June: Hulkling and Karolina Dean (This second one is a really tangential wildcard because I’m really not sure)(Could also be Photon)
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: New Herald (Kabam OG) and Quicksilver
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Not much has changed, but Captain Falcon kinda threw me off for February and June
I agree with a lot of this but there's a few where I don't. Here's my thoughts
May: Clea, Wong
We know this will be a Dr Strange 2 tie in month and as a result I can't see kabam not adding 2 characters directly from the movies. We've never had a movie tie in month where both the new characters released weren't from the movies at least to the best of my knowledge.
June: Wiccan, Hulking
June is pride month so adding Wiccan and Hulkling together makes perfect sense
August: Anti man, Victorious
Silver surfer described a power cosmic source that he had detected as "peaceful" and "familiar yet different". Anti man was a herald of Galactus before but when Galactus was the Lifebringer and not the Devourer. Doom has a history of stealing the power cosmic off people and Victorious has held it before. My theory is that Anti man has his power cosmic stolen by Doom who then gives it to Victorious.
September: Titania, Quicksilver
I can't see Quicksilver coming in October (or later) since Kabam tend to do more horror based characters then. Also, it's been said he'll come in late 2022 which lines up with September.
October: Morlun, Kabam OC
Like I said in the previous paragraph, October is typically a month where horror based characters are released and Kabam OCs tend to fit that sort of profile. The biggest problem with this would be that this is gonna be a spider-verse and a Kabam OC would kind of be out of place. 4 years ago Kabam teased this character If I had to guess this is a characters from the Guillotine 2099 timeline which we obviously know is also when Spidey 2099 is from. Maybe that's the connection they will draw upon but it's still a bit of stretch.
I’m going to revise some of my guesses and post them here, just so there is a public record of how far off I am.
January: Obviously Sauron and Toad
February: Captain Falcon and Misty Knight as we know (called Misty)
March: Omega Sentinel and Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock)
April: Black Cat and Scorpion
May: Clea and Wiccan
June: Hulkling and Karolina Dean (This second one is a really tangential wildcard because I’m really not sure)(Could also be Photon)
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: New Herald (Kabam OG) and Quicksilver
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Not much has changed, but Captain Falcon kinda threw me off for February and June
I agree with a lot of this but there's a few where I don't. Here's my thoughts
May: Clea, Wong
We know this will be a Dr Strange 2 tie in month and as a result I can't see kabam not adding 2 characters directly from the movies. We've never had a movie tie in month where both the new characters released weren't from the movies at least to the best of my knowledge.
June: Wiccan, Hulking
June is pride month so adding Wiccan and Hulkling together makes perfect sense
August: Anti man, Victorious
Silver surfer described a power cosmic source that he had detected as "peaceful" and "familiar yet different". Anti man was a herald of Galactus before but when Galactus was the Lifebringer and not the Devourer. Doom has a history of stealing the power cosmic off people and Victorious has held it before. My theory is that Anti man has his power cosmic stolen by Doom who then gives it to Victorious.
September: Titania, Quicksilver
I can't see Quicksilver coming in October (or later) since Kabam tend to do more horror based characters then. Also, it's been said he'll come in late 2022 which lines up with September.
October: Morlun, Kabam OC
Like I said in the previous paragraph, October is typically a month where horror based characters are released and Kabam OCs tend to fit that sort of profile. The biggest problem with this would be that this is gonna be a spider-verse and a Kabam OC would kind of be out of place. 4 years ago Kabam teased this character If I had to guess this is a characters from the Guillotine 2099 timeline which we obviously know is also when Spidey 2099 is from. Maybe that's the connection they will draw upon but it's still a bit of stretch.
Certainly a lot of good points in here, just a couple of ‘rebuttals’ (if you want to call them that)
I’m almost certain we’re going to see both Wiccan and Speed in the Doctor Strange film, so I think there is a good chance they can add Wiccan and have it tie into the film
Wiccan is definitely just coming, it’s just a matter of which month I suppose. The thing that really sells me on May is the rest of the puzzle. I don’t really see where both Clea and Wong could fit in, we only really have one connection doctor strange while the other is also connected to Spidey. Unless that is going to be some really weird connection for Wong I’m not sure where they would fit
I would definitely not be surprised if Wiccan and Hulkling come in the same month though. I was leaning Karolina Dean that month due to it being Pride month and her having a Skrull girlfriend. Whether that would be too deep a cut I don’t know, I was thinking she would maybe fit besides Kingpin on the puzzle, but unconnected, just due to the PRIDE organisation criminal connection
I think Anti-Man is a distinct possibility, he was someone I considered but for whether reason I just didn’t think he fitted there, can’t exactly remover why. I don’t think Victorious is coming to be honest, I really don’t see a reason for her to get a large-sized box in the grand scheme of the puzzle. And I do think whoever that champ is will come in September with Titania
There is some confusion as to when Quivksilver is coming out. Their social media channels said late 2022, but the in game mail said summer 2022. Realistically it isn’t going to be October or November, December would be way too far off I think, so it is August or September depending on which of their messages you buy into. I personally think August fits better with the rest of the puzzle
I agree that October is typically a horror themed month, which is why I actually think the Sym Spidey and Doctor Strange connection does fit here. October tends to have Symbiotes, so having something like spider supreme would make a lot of sense. I can definitely see this being a Kabam original like Symbiote Supreme, but I do think it’s going to be Symbiote related
Question Mark connected to Luke Cage --> Jessica Jones possibly or Misty Knight Question Mark connected to Captain America (original) --> Patriot Question Mark connected to Black Panther (original) --> Shuri Question Mark connected to She-Hulk --> Titania Question Marks connected to Scarlet Witch --> Wiccan and Speed Question(Red) Mark connected to Overseer --> Kabam Original or Hulking Question Mark between Spider-Man Stark Enhanced and Iron Man (original) --> Summoner’s Choice Character Question Mark between SpiderMan Symbiote and Dr. Strange --> Black Cat Question Mark connected to Dr. Strange --> Black Ant, Enchantress, Mad Thinker, Titania, Amadeus Cho (Illumanati Member) Question Mark connected to Sentinel and Nimrod --> Omega Sentinel Question Mark connected to Psylocke --> Captain Britain Question Mark connected to Thor Ragnarok and Odin --> Valkyrie Question Mark connected to Odin --> Gorr the godbutcher Question Mark connected to Star Lord and Drax --> Adam Warlock or Mantis Question Mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Sandman, Scorpion, or Lizard Question Mark not connected, but below Kingpin --> Echo Question Mark connected to Dr. Doom --> Black Swan or Maximus Question Mark connected to Silver Surfer and Galactus --> Nova (Frankie Raye)
Definitely going to review the map some more and think if I've missed any connections. Also going to watch the video roadmap thing they posted last year to see if any other clues may be there in light of this new state of the battle realm map.
I'm settling my thoughts on the Question mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Scorpion With the synergy Toad has I'm certainly convinced we are getting Scorpion.
Wondering is it possible if we will get Wong and maybe along with him Defender Strange as our characters for the tie in to Dr. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness? Considering they said some mystics are coming to help.Just wanting to throw in some thoughts in light of things via the trailer released and looking more at the map.
Like others it is cool to see Omega Sentinel, but sad a missed opportunity with Captain Britain. Good to see we are getting Black Cat and Scorpion in April.
Question Mark connected to Luke Cage --> Jessica Jones possibly or Misty Knight Question Mark connected to Captain America (original) --> Patriot Question Mark connected to Black Panther (original) --> Shuri Question Mark connected to She-Hulk --> Titania Question Marks connected to Scarlet Witch --> Wiccan and Speed Question(Red) Mark connected to Overseer --> Kabam Original or Hulking Question Mark between Spider-Man Stark Enhanced and Iron Man (original) --> Summoner’s Choice Character Question Mark between SpiderMan Symbiote and Dr. Strange --> Black Cat Question Mark connected to Dr. Strange --> Black Ant, Enchantress, Mad Thinker, Titania, Amadeus Cho (Illumanati Member) Question Mark connected to Sentinel and Nimrod --> Omega Sentinel Question Mark connected to Psylocke --> Captain Britain Question Mark connected to Thor Ragnarok and Odin --> Valkyrie Question Mark connected to Odin --> Gorr the godbutcher Question Mark connected to Star Lord and Drax --> Adam Warlock or Mantis Question Mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Sandman, Scorpion, or Lizard Question Mark not connected, but below Kingpin --> Echo Question Mark connected to Dr. Doom --> Black Swan or Maximus Question Mark connected to Silver Surfer and Galactus --> Nova (Frankie Raye)
Definitely going to review the map some more and think if I've missed any connections. Also going to watch the video roadmap thing they posted last year to see if any other clues may be there in light of this new state of the battle realm map.
I'm settling my thoughts on the Question mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Scorpion With the synergy Toad has I'm certainly convinced we are getting Scorpion.
Wondering is it possible if we will get Wong and maybe along with him Defender Strange as our characters for the tie in to Dr. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness? Considering they said some mystics are coming to help.Just wanting to throw in some thoughts in light of things via the trailer released and looking more at the map.
Wong has been pretty much confirmed. My guess as to who the other May champ would be Master Mordo. The reason being is there are 2 unknown boxes coming off Dr Strange in the SotB map and underneath one of them there is text saying illuminati. In the MoM trailer we see Mordo walking to the chairs where it's speculated the illuminati sit.
@Rockypantherx, congrats! You aced the March and April ones
Thanks! Here’s hoping the rest of my predictions pan out just as well, it’s making champ reveals far more exciting
Although now Wong is confirmed I know one of my May guesses is wrong, and that it’s probably Clea. Or Wiccan could be coming in June with Hulkling and we get both, I can’t figure those months out concretely for the life of me
So, I wanted to pop back in here as we reach the end of March. It’s been a busy few weeks in MCOC, but after the MROC elegy, I wanted to revisit some of my predictions
First off, I was totally wrong about something. I had Quicksilver pinned down as the box connected to Overseer. That is not the case. I think in all likelihood that is Chronoserpent Punisher. Additionally, I believe that character will be the first ‘big boss’ of Act 8. We know work has started on it, so I expect to see it at some point this year.
Secondly, I’m not convinced Quicksilver actually has a spot on the puzzle. If my predictions are correct, then the puzzle before this one
has champions running up until August 2022 for the most part. So he would have to be in one of the new spots added in the January puzzle. If so, then the only one he could be is the one connected to Doom for September, which still feels like a September spot
So, with that out the way, my amended predictions for the rest of the year:
May: Wong and Clea (I don’t feel confident in the Clea pick as I feel she would be connected to Strange, but in the context of the August 2021 puzzle the second May champ has to be the box above the illuminati, and I don’t think a villainous champ like D’Spayre or Master Mordo fit in the narrative we’ve been given
June: Wiccan and Hulkling
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: The Ancient One (Herald of Galactus) and Quicksilver (plus maybe Act 8 with the ChronoPunisher
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay (could also be Quicksilver but that really upends the whole thing)
The last herald is literally The Fallen One. I cannot think of anyone else that has come to peace and is technically not a herald while being connected to Silver Surfer. It's the Fallen One for sure.
The connection between Kraven and Rhino could either be Lizard or Scorpion.
Attuma could be the one connected to Namor.
Molecule Man might be the one connected to Doom.
Galactus himself was TERRIFIED of him in the comics.
So I hope they don't add him because I don't think they could do him justice... as the only way they could is a boss only character that makes even Abyss Collector look easy to fight.
Question Mark connected to Luke Cage --> Jessica Jones possibly or Misty Knight
Question Mark connected to Captain America (original) --> Patriot
Question Mark connected to Black Panther (original) --> Shuri
Question Mark connected to She-Hulk --> Titania
Question Marks connected to Scarlet Witch --> Wiccan and Speed
Question(Red) Mark connected to Overseer --> Kabam Original or Hulking
Question Mark between Spider-Man Stark Enhanced and Iron Man (original) --> Summoner’s Choice Character
Question Mark between SpiderMan Symbiote and Dr. Strange --> Black Cat
Question Mark connected to Dr. Strange --> Black Ant, Enchantress, Mad Thinker, Titania, Amadeus Cho (Illumanati Member)
Question Mark connected to Sentinel and Nimrod --> Omega Sentinel
Question Mark connected to Psylocke --> Captain Britain
Question Mark connected to Thor Ragnarok and Odin --> Valkyrie
Question Mark connected to Odin --> Gorr the godbutcher
Question Mark connected to Star Lord and Drax --> Adam Warlock or Mantis
Question Mark connected to Kraven and Rhino --> Sandman, Scorpion, or Lizard
Question Mark not connected, but below Kingpin --> Echo
Question Mark connected to Dr. Doom --> Black Swan or Maximus
Question Mark connected to Silver Surfer and Galactus --> Nova (Frankie Raye)
Definitely going to review the map some more and think if I've missed any connections. Also going to watch the video roadmap thing they posted last year to see if any other clues may be there in light of this new state of the battle realm map.
Looking at my guesses/predictions I see I went 50/50 with February. Going to be interesting to look at this each month and of course review it at the end of the year.
I’m going to revise some of my guesses and post them here, just so there is a public record of how far off I am.
January: Obviously Sauron and Toad
February: Captain Falcon and Misty Knight as we know (called Misty)
March: Omega Sentinel and Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock)
April: Black Cat and Scorpion
May: Clea and Wiccan
June: Hulkling and Karolina Dean (This second one is a really tangential wildcard because I’m really not sure)(Could also be Photon)
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: New Herald (Kabam OG) and Quicksilver
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Not much has changed, but Captain Falcon kinda threw me off for February and June
I was just surprised they didn't include a character which was new and sadly obscure to some who play MCOC.
I'm really thinking Black Cat seems like the obvious since I believe it was Rich the Man posted about the Hero for Hire synergy with a question mark. Curious do you think Scorpion is more certain than Sandman? Just curious as it is always fun to see new Spider Man villains added.
I like your call for march that seems very plausible.
The thing that sells me on Scorpion is the question mark in Toad’s synergies for the synergy called ‘In My Nature’. It relates to the fable of the frog and the scorpion, so seems like a natural fit
May: Clea, Wong
We know this will be a Dr Strange 2 tie in month and as a result I can't see kabam not adding 2 characters directly from the movies. We've never had a movie tie in month where both the new characters released weren't from the movies at least to the best of my knowledge.
June: Wiccan, Hulking
June is pride month so adding Wiccan and Hulkling together makes perfect sense
August: Anti man, Victorious
Silver surfer described a power cosmic source that he had detected as "peaceful" and "familiar yet different". Anti man was a herald of Galactus before but when Galactus was the Lifebringer and not the Devourer. Doom has a history of stealing the power cosmic off people and Victorious has held it before. My theory is that Anti man has his power cosmic stolen by Doom who then gives it to Victorious.
September: Titania, Quicksilver
I can't see Quicksilver coming in October (or later) since Kabam tend to do more horror based characters then. Also, it's been said he'll come in late 2022 which lines up with September.
October: Morlun, Kabam OC
Like I said in the previous paragraph, October is typically a month where horror based characters are released and Kabam OCs tend to fit that sort of profile. The biggest problem with this would be that this is gonna be a spider-verse and a Kabam OC would kind of be out of place. 4 years ago Kabam teased this character
If I had to guess this is a characters from the Guillotine 2099 timeline which we obviously know is also when Spidey 2099 is from. Maybe that's the connection they will draw upon but it's still a bit of stretch.
I’m almost certain we’re going to see both Wiccan and Speed in the Doctor Strange film, so I think there is a good chance they can add Wiccan and have it tie into the film
Wiccan is definitely just coming, it’s just a matter of which month I suppose. The thing that really sells me on May is the rest of the puzzle. I don’t really see where both Clea and Wong could fit in, we only really have one connection doctor strange while the other is also connected to Spidey. Unless that is going to be some really weird connection for Wong I’m not sure where they would fit
I would definitely not be surprised if Wiccan and Hulkling come in the same month though. I was leaning Karolina Dean that month due to it being Pride month and her having a Skrull girlfriend. Whether that would be too deep a cut I don’t know, I was thinking she would maybe fit besides Kingpin on the puzzle, but unconnected, just due to the PRIDE organisation criminal connection
I think Anti-Man is a distinct possibility, he was someone I considered but for whether reason I just didn’t think he fitted there, can’t exactly remover why. I don’t think Victorious is coming to be honest, I really don’t see a reason for her to get a large-sized box in the grand scheme of the puzzle. And I do think whoever that champ is will come in September with Titania
There is some confusion as to when Quivksilver is coming out. Their social media channels said late 2022, but the in game mail said summer 2022. Realistically it isn’t going to be October or November, December would be way too far off I think, so it is August or September depending on which of their messages you buy into. I personally think August fits better with the rest of the puzzle
I agree that October is typically a horror themed month, which is why I actually think the Sym Spidey and Doctor Strange connection does fit here. October tends to have Symbiotes, so having something like spider supreme would make a lot of sense. I can definitely see this being a Kabam original like Symbiote Supreme, but I do think it’s going to be Symbiote related
With the synergy Toad has I'm certainly convinced we are getting Scorpion.
Wondering is it possible if we will get Wong and maybe along with him Defender Strange as our characters for the tie in to Dr. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness? Considering they said some mystics are coming to help.Just wanting to throw in some thoughts in light of things via the trailer released and looking more at the map.
Although now Wong is confirmed I know one of my May guesses is wrong, and that it’s probably Clea. Or Wiccan could be coming in June with Hulkling and we get both, I can’t figure those months out concretely for the life of me
First off, I was totally wrong about something. I had Quicksilver pinned down as the box connected to Overseer. That is not the case. I think in all likelihood that is Chronoserpent Punisher. Additionally, I believe that character will be the first ‘big boss’ of Act 8. We know work has started on it, so I expect to see it at some point this year.
Secondly, I’m not convinced Quicksilver actually has a spot on the puzzle. If my predictions are correct, then the puzzle before this one
has champions running up until August 2022 for the most part. So he would have to be in one of the new spots added in the January puzzle. If so, then the only one he could be is the one connected to Doom for September, which still feels like a September spot
So, with that out the way, my amended predictions for the rest of the year:
May: Wong and Clea (I don’t feel confident in the Clea pick as I feel she would be connected to Strange, but in the context of the August 2021 puzzle the second May champ has to be the box above the illuminati, and I don’t think a villainous champ like D’Spayre or Master Mordo fit in the narrative we’ve been given
June: Wiccan and Hulkling
July: Gorr and Valkyrie
August: The Ancient One (Herald of Galactus) and Quicksilver (plus maybe Act 8 with the ChronoPunisher
September: Titania and Morgan Le Fay (could also be Quicksilver but that really upends the whole thing)
October: Morlun and Spider Supreme
November: Shuri and Namorita
December: Mantis
Let’s see how these hold up with time