"Why should vote for him?"
Great question! Main reason is simple, Ghost Rider, pretty good champ right?! Then his variant, CGR came along and utterly changed the DPS game, same thing can happen with HobGob!
So vote HobGob for our new game changer in 2022!
GR for a while was pretty good, especially paired with the trinity. He ticks a lot of boxes for utility but as the game went on he fell off solely because his damage wasn't up to scratch.
CGR is added and not only does he have plenty of utility but his damage potential made him one of the best champs for the year, if not the best.
Kabam have shown that they put the design for the summoner choice champ at the top of the list of things to get right and it's evident with how much of a banger Herc turned out as.
Im here to say vote Zemo
Best of luck with whoever you end up voting for