Why are we not getting solo revives and potions compensation??

This is ridiculous . It's been over a month and we haven't gotten any solo revives and potions .

Nobody requires AQ and AW compensation We get this every week and people sell them . Need an answer as to why no solo comp. is being given .

Nobody requires AQ and AW compensation We get this every week and people sell them . Need an answer as to why no solo comp. is being given .
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
It's free so why complain? If you dont want it then dont claim it. Just let it expire
Some people think the game revolves around them.
I got to agree here. No War for a while now and even then I didn't use these much when it was running. I have so many of these expiring. I've been trying to wait to the last minute to claim them to give it as much time as possible, but at this point, they are just gonna go to waste
Maybe if they were in the form of crystals so they wouldn't expire and we can open them whenever, I dunno. Not trying to complain about free stuff here, just giving ideas.
So mature of you to call someone a kid, and engage in personal attacks and name calling. Who's the kid now? Grow up and pull your head out into the real world.
No body got owned, nor roasted. People just have a life outside the small virtual world that you engage in so much, unlike you who doesn't have a life and makes the world out of pety small digital items.
Don't git gud, get a life.
AQ and AW items: farmable? NO
Do i need it all d time? NO
Do i sell it? Some of it
If you need more items then just farm these..
Also for you to say who goes off topic? It's you who goes off-topic.
#1 Assuming that nobody uses aq / aw items. What you said is a statement and not a fact. So get that right
#2 You dont know me so dont assume I use items and do d name calling saying GIT GUD. Not everything revolves around you..
Some experience stale AI who wont throw specials. Others might just be using these to get more gold.
#3 Not cool to name-call people. Calling another user a kid is just well silly.
I struck nerve eh, i see.
Sounds like you're failing in real life, so you use the game as your espace to see some form of menial victory, but you're trying to project your failures and shortcomings onto others just so that you feel some trivial form of self worth which mommy and daddy couldn't give you, cause they were busy "clapping".
I want Kabam to give us this. It's been a long time since war season. Where is the compensation?
@Kabam Miike
Better closed than it getting toxic.