Well I managed to explore 7.2 and got 6* colossus from the nexus

. I need to save up units once again before attempting to explore 7.3 (even though I spend most on energy refills bcus I’m impatient) but was just wondering if anyone found 7.3 much harder than 7.2 as to me it really only seems like actually understanding all the node combinations due to the paradox stuff will make it difficult lmao
Edit: lol accidentally hit caps lock but I'm gonna keep it.
Partly, because the AI on this level seemed particularly squiffy; that g2099 would never let herself be parried at the opening, does 5 hit light ending combos into your block, stutters her runs to avoid intercepts and you can completely forget about backdrafting them against the right hand wall...
But you have no way of knowing how many paradox charges you have when you start a fight. Its pretty ridiculous
Good luck with your sanity navigating those for exploration.