Nearly 6 months after her release, where does Kitty rank among the best?

IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
I remember the weekend she was released and all the crying that the game was broken and she was now light years ahead of ghost and quake because of true focus being so preeminent in the game. Obviously that changed and the hype died down a lot.

Personally I think Hercules was the best champion of 2021 by a HUGE margin. After that, I think it’s a close contest between Shang chi and Kitty for the 2nd best champ of 2021. But where do you think she ranks overall in the game?

Nearly 6 months after her release, where does Kitty rank among the best? 106 votes

Top champ in the game
paps666ChitlinsXcrøss_TRMalreck04Montano18DomoSlomoUsername19273BeroManLucasjones98PsyGrinder_XPuttPuttRavenKeeperKostaschaniaPseudo_19Wolviman1WooptyfrickendooMrSakuragiMutantA___4444heart_of_oakPapaMidnite007 21 votes
Not top champ, but top mutant champ
Harding7RasiloverTanz0rrcm2017LiquidkoldcookiedealerOGAvengerCage_1limeade32MCOCHazzaPrakhar_82houndogακιodishika123HagureMeijinCeltic1981DualityCopeRoyalRose1510JC10100Doosra 19 votes
Not top mutant, but top 3 mutant
DrZolaBitterSteelRaganatorbuffajrTensioSpiderCoolsForumName123Cap366MysterioJuggerNotAldacWine_LoverWebby72Mobile_P0tat0Speedro420Des99ChriissRPoketanGarrettNLpoo 37 votes
Not top 3 mutant, but top 5 mutant
Crys23Total_Domin01Sw0rdMasterLucky7LucianoAgentDoom9GoddessIliasGrootman1294Tomstar124EtjamaSpideyFunkoHoodie25Yodabolt21AGENT_A7Kgggg00Skiddy212MolemanisbestchampMarvelFan352Riptide368CmmOverrated 19 votes
Not top 5 mutant, but top 10 mutant
LuciusVorenusUncle_Fatty_247Dooberman420_Sham_Tel5tr4_BoiRaj 5 votes
Not even top 10 mutant, too niche
Spity68Kade7175RakeYoungjbxotiicHudsonman 5 votes


  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Top champ in the game
    #1. She can take almost anything in the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I stay away from ranking Champs in terms of best, but I will say she's good.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★

    I’d put her at number four.

    Apocalypse, Magneto, and Professor X make up my top 3 (not necessarily in that order) then Kitty would be after them.

    How are Mags or Prof X anywhere close to better than her (besides for Abyss, of course). Like I understand the argument for Mags would be that he destroys metal champs but at the same time, he only can target one section of the contest unlike Kitty. Prof X ig would be his ramp up and non-contact but at the same time Kitty can do much more overall than him imo
  • IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
    I think the fact that magneto is a cheat code against 1/3 of the content in this game makes him invaluable. It’s not just an edge, it’s a cheat code.

    Professor x took a while for people to realize how good he is because he takes strategy, patience and timing. Kitty is sort of the same way - Maybe in a few months people will find her even more powerful than now.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    Not top 3 mutant, but top 5 mutant

    I’d put her at number four.

    Apocalypse, Magneto, and Professor X make up my top 3 (not necessarily in that order) then Kitty would be after them.

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  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    Not top 3 mutant, but top 5 mutant
    Maybe top3 mutant, maybe top10 in the game.
    As someone who has 100%-ed all content, T1 master wars, I never felt "wish I had kitty for this fight, for this path"
    Nice to have, fun on occasion, but not essential
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Not top mutant, but top 3 mutant
    Still don’t have her, but from what I’ve seen and heard she’s a top 3 mutant. Situationally, probably the best in the game. Hopefully when, and not if, I pull her this comment will not age well.
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  • Pseudo_19Pseudo_19 Member Posts: 396 ★★
    Top champ in the game
    Has nobody watched lagacy war videos? She can be used for any fight in the game and take no damage, she can be used with different play styles. I don’t even see how it’s a debate, she’s a top champ in the game along with ghost and quake. Only difference is ghost needs 2 synergies to do what kitty does with one, and that synergy is tigra who is a better champ than wasp or hood.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Top champ in the game

    I’d put her at number four.

    Apocalypse, Magneto, and Professor X make up my top 3 (not necessarily in that order) then Kitty would be after them.

  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Top champ in the game
    Pseudo_19 said:

    Has nobody watched lagacy war videos? She can be used for any fight in the game and take no damage, she can be used with different play styles. I don’t even see how it’s a debate, she’s a top champ in the game along with ghost and quake. Only difference is ghost needs 2 synergies to do what kitty does with one, and that synergy is tigra who is a better champ than wasp or hood.

    Not any fight, but 99.5% of fights.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I haven't managed to pull her as a 5* from the featured yet and her 6* feature hasn't rolled around yet so I can't say yet. I think it's insane that she's been in the game for 6 months and is only just about to become available as a 6*. Something really needs to be done, I actually forgot that she existed. Surely that means her basic arena is coming fairly soon too?
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    Not top champ, but top mutant champ
    Considering how she's immortal most of the time, I think she's top mutant

    She's not on the level of ghost like i had thought but yeah she's still crazy
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