Nearly 6 months after her release, where does Kitty rank among the best?

I remember the weekend she was released and all the crying that the game was broken and she was now light years ahead of ghost and quake because of true focus being so preeminent in the game. Obviously that changed and the hype died down a lot.
Personally I think Hercules was the best champion of 2021 by a HUGE margin. After that, I think it’s a close contest between Shang chi and Kitty for the 2nd best champ of 2021. But where do you think she ranks overall in the game?
Personally I think Hercules was the best champion of 2021 by a HUGE margin. After that, I think it’s a close contest between Shang chi and Kitty for the 2nd best champ of 2021. But where do you think she ranks overall in the game?
Nearly 6 months after her release, where does Kitty rank among the best? 106 votes
Apocalypse, Magneto, and Professor X make up my top 3 (not necessarily in that order) then Kitty would be after them.
Professor x took a while for people to realize how good he is because he takes strategy, patience and timing. Kitty is sort of the same way - Maybe in a few months people will find her even more powerful than now.
As someone who has 100%-ed all content, T1 master wars, I never felt "wish I had kitty for this fight, for this path"
Nice to have, fun on occasion, but not essential
She's not on the level of ghost like i had thought but yeah she's still crazy