I honestly didn’t understand why Kabam couldn’t have simply sent an in game message yesterday saying that the rewears will start to be sent at The evening of the 6th but it would take hours so many people might receive them in the 7th. They have no problem constantly spamming us with horrible offers and pointless messages why not give us some valuable information we all want as well ?
To be fair, Kabam said it would "take hours" to complete. We're 13 hours in as of right now, and I've yet to see alliance rewards for this. There are many that haven't seen solo rewards yet as well. Hard to NOT ask "where's mine" when so many others have already gotten theirs. I don't see why some of you guys have to respond so negatively to someone asking this. As a community, we're seriously toxic to each other. Instead, how about just scroll on by if it's such a trigger for you? Let Kabam police their own forums and merge the threads. (And God knows, they love to police it!)