Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance War Season 31 Start and Fight Requirements?

Some alliance mates think they read/heard that AW 31 starts next week. I have not seen any update since 1/5 when @Kabam Miike responded to a thread saying to ignore the in game message. Anyone know the current status?

Also, I thought i read the number of fights required to eligible for reward in AW 31 was going to be reduced but now cannot find the info. Did I dream that part or is he number of fights being reduced?



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    It was the previous (cut short) season where they reduced the # of wars needed for eligibility). As far as I recall, it will go back to being 5 wars out of the 12 for eligibility.

    As to when it will start, the Season Tab of AW had been set for a 2 week postponement last week, so that's what probably still shows as starting next week. But that may probably still be “up-in-the-air” as to what week it will actually start.

    “Postponed until further notice” is what I would go by, but they just needed to put some type of counter in the game in the meantime (even though it may not be starting up by then).
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    Billotch13Billotch13 Posts: 130
    Roger that. Thanks @Kabam Zibiit!
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    Hey there, the new season is still postponed until further notice, but we will let everyone know as soon as we have a definitive date that it will start.

    Hey not to be THAT person. But if this goes on for more than a season time frame are we looking at some type of compensation? Some of us rely on season rewards for rank ups, and 6* shards. I know those juicy 6* shards always push me over 10k so I am guaranteed a 6* a month at least.
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    Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    edited January 2022

    Hey there, the new season is still postponed until further notice, but we will let everyone know as soon as we have a definitive date that it will start.

    Hey not to be THAT person. But if this goes on for more than a season time frame are we looking at some type of compensation? Some of us rely on season rewards for rank ups, and 6* shards. I know those juicy 6* shards always push me over 10k so I am guaranteed a 6* a month at least.
    We’ll probably learn that if it goes over a season’s timeframe (sorry to be “that person” haha)
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