Prof Hoff Video on cats overflow

He made a video showing someone with T3A and T6B in overflow. How is this possible and I only have 1 of each!!! No I have not done LOL carina, but have act 7 done waiting on 7.4
Then why should we pay them any attention up here on Forums on their behalf. Just let their discussion be had on their own platform.
For real tho, r4 6*s are meant to be a pay-to-win exclusivity for now. They slowly release the valve with these catalysts even for f2p, but it is kinda slow
As usual, Prof Hoffs video is extremely misleading. If he would have just looked at the profile of the summoner in the picture, he would have seen the quite obvious reason. Hoff is talking out his rear again. The person in the picture in the video doesn't even have a R4. That means they formed around 2 or 3. I haven't done any of carinas challenges and have 100% act 7 and I had an R4 before gifting. It's quite possible if that person in the picture has all the content done, bought all the offers, carinas done and with gifting, they could definitely end up with 2 of each in the overflow.
Prof Hoff is the absolute worst MCOC YouTube personality and this hot take proves it even more.