Who should be my first R3 Champion?

Who should be my first R3 Champion? 47 votes

MoleMan ( unawakened )
SpeedbumpArchdemon_Rockyshockybooscka2536ReignkingTWRenaxqqJoker1976EtherealityudyedagainGraves_3AGENT_A7KStephD87jbxotiicTheBoogyManSkiddy212CangaceiroOddkinsons713579rebel_RatedSViper 19 votes
Ghost ( awakened )
TheManMythLegendStagedear85Malreck04Rockypantherxjay_denWordunkenEtjamadot_dittoCaptainDenversBLOODY_ASSASIAN08W32BollandDawsManSaltE_Wenis69SpecMCeltic1981RiptideJoshKosh557Oakenshieldgggg00 28 votes


  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Ghost ( awakened )
    too good to pass up
  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Ghost ( awakened )
    Ghost is better more utility more damage more synergies needed
  • Riptide368Riptide368 Member Posts: 114
    Ghost ( awakened )
    I love molegod but ghost cannot be beaten
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,028 Guardian
    why not both?
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,869 ★★★★★
    edited January 2022
    MoleMan ( unawakened )
    Mole God simpler and more fun to use
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    edited January 2022
    MoleMan ( unawakened )
    I voted Mole Man because he's more straightforward to play, but Ghost is for sure more powerful and useful. The problem is that for ghost u need 3 things to make it all go smoothly:
    1- Mastery of how to play her, which involves a lot of learning time spent watching YouTube videos, doing trial and error in order to get her playstyle down.
    2- Imho Ghost NEEDs Wasp synergy, or at , least needs it in order for you to play her more smoothly
    3 - Yours is awakened which is good, but in my experience she needs a fairly high sig, over 100 or so, for you to really feel the benefit of her awakening.

    So if you do t have at least two out of the three conditions above, then Moleman all the way.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,460 ★★★★
    Ghost ( awakened )
    Can’t lose either way. Ghost if you are good at her.
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    Ghost ( awakened )
    OK GHOST 👻
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Ghost ( awakened )

    I voted Mole Man because he's more straightforward to play, but Ghost is for sure more powerful and useful. The problem is that for ghost u need 3 things to make it all go smoothly:
    1- Mastery of how to play her, which involves a lot of learning time spent watching YouTube videos, doing trial and error in order to get her playstyle down.
    2- Imho Ghost NEEDs Wasp synergy, or at , least needs it in order for you to play her more smoothly
    3 - Yours is awakened which is good, but in my experience she needs a fairly high sig, over 100 or so, for you to really feel the benefit of her awakening.

    So if you do t have at least two out of the three conditions above, then Moleman all the way.

    Ghost's playstyle is overhyped. It just takes experience to gauge when your phase will run out and when to use one, two, three, or four-hit combos. It just takes a week of playing her consistently. Just like any new champ.

    I used ghost through act six without wasp. Would it have been helpful? Sure, but it didn't make her any less useful and an extra champ slow is never a negative thing.

    You can use her unawakened so having her awakened is a bonus. You can gradually add sigs over time. Moleman is cool but Ghost is so powerful. If you enjoy her and are willing to spend a little time playing her you'll be all set.
    edited January 2022
    Ghost ( awakened )
    DawsMan said:

    I voted Mole Man because he's more straightforward to play, but Ghost is for sure more powerful and useful. The problem is that for ghost u need 3 things to make it all go smoothly:
    1- Mastery of how to play her, which involves a lot of learning time spent watching YouTube videos, doing trial and error in order to get her playstyle down.
    2- Imho Ghost NEEDs Wasp synergy, or at , least needs it in order for you to play her more smoothly
    3 - Yours is awakened which is good, but in my experience she needs a fairly high sig, over 100 or so, for you to really feel the benefit of her awakening.

    So if you do t have at least two out of the three conditions above, then Moleman all the way.

    Ghost's playstyle is overhyped. It just takes experience to gauge when your phase will run out and when to use one, two, three, or four-hit combos. It just takes a week of playing her consistently. Just like any new champ.

    I used ghost through act six without wasp. Would it have been helpful? Sure, but it didn't make her any less useful and an extra champ slow is never a negative thing.

    You can use her unawakened so having her awakened is a bonus. You can gradually add sigs over time. Moleman is cool but Ghost is so powerful. If you enjoy her and are willing to spend a little time playing her you'll be all set.
    I know ghost playstyle she is currently at R2
    She cleared lot many contents for me
    Especially stun immune and stun reflection
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    MoleMan ( unawakened )
    Can't lose either way, but i like mole man. I like the skill class better and the bleeds he brings to the table.

    Have fun with whoever you choose! Both are great options
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