Revamp Health Potions to % of health
Member Posts: 5,160 ★★★★★
At this point for endgame players health potions have become very outdated. With rank 4 6* champs in the game, the health pools are massive and the cost of heals totals up to big units quick. Most R4s have upwards of 50k health, which means to take an R4 champsl from 0% to 100% it would take an average of 140 units worth of heals. L6 heals aren't accessible, L5 heals can only be purchased (or thrown in compensation from time to time) and L4 heals (of which you would need 10, or 210 units worth) are capped at once a day. The only reliably farmable heals are L3, worth 1650 a piece, and you would need to farm 30 of them to full heal a champ with 50k health.
My specific suggestion (numbers based off r4 with 55k health):
Leave L1 and L2 heals where they're at so as to not hurt early game players by reducing the potency significantly at their level.
L3 -
Current Max Value - 1650 health
Change to 5% heal - new max value 2750
Increased value for all champs over 33k health
L4 -
Current Max Value - 5k health
Change to 20% heal - new max value 11k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
L5 -
Current max value - 10k health
Change to 40% heal - new max value 22k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
L6 (make available)-
Current max value - 15k
Change to 60% - new max value 33k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
Saves units, saves time, and would be a significant QoL update for most of the player base while likely having minimal impact on the game across the board.
My specific suggestion (numbers based off r4 with 55k health):
Leave L1 and L2 heals where they're at so as to not hurt early game players by reducing the potency significantly at their level.
L3 -
Current Max Value - 1650 health
Change to 5% heal - new max value 2750
Increased value for all champs over 33k health
L4 -
Current Max Value - 5k health
Change to 20% heal - new max value 11k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
L5 -
Current max value - 10k health
Change to 40% heal - new max value 22k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
L6 (make available)-
Current max value - 15k
Change to 60% - new max value 33k
Increased value for all champs over 25k health
Saves units, saves time, and would be a significant QoL update for most of the player base while likely having minimal impact on the game across the board.
My opinion is that health potions should certainly be percent based, as the OP has said they’re almost redundant at the moment.
lv1 - 5%
Lv2 - 10%
Lv3 - 30%
Lv4 - 40%
Lv5 - 50%
Lv6 - 80%