Psycho man is one of The Battlerealm's greatest threats-CONFIRMED??

So in the recent "Motion comic" at the start you can see in different screens, The Battlerealm's threats, you can see Galactus, Red Goblin... and you can also see... PSYCHO MAN?! so as you can see in the picture that I've attached-in one of the screens the character that is shown seems to be Psycho man! I like it,dont get my wrong I'm not joking about this, I believe that its really him on the screen and I have a 5* r5 who I've invested in before the butf was announced.
What do you think? Maybe the buff will make him strong enough to really be a threat to the battlerealm? I sure hope so! The image on the right is from Psycho man's motion comic btw
What do you think? Maybe the buff will make him strong enough to really be a threat to the battlerealm? I sure hope so! The image on the right is from Psycho man's motion comic btw

Like Psycho man once said
Yeah, its him
And only I, have prayed to pull a Psycho man from a 5* Nexus, really, he was the only one I wanted to see there, and INDEED HE WAS!
it happend in the summer
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola