6.3.1 Medusa v warlock not working

Brought my 6* r1 but the bleed isn’t really enough to make dent. As soon as the curse ends she goes back up to 100. Then unblockable and that’s all she wrote. I’m sure it’s me for part of it because EI don’t know the fight well enough it’s my first time. Kabam taking my $ though loving it w no help at all. Any help is appreciated
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
You’re fighting class disadvantage with a R1 6*.
Seems to be working as intended. Symbiote supreme or archangel are probably your best bets.
Warlock @r2 fully boosted inc tech 200%. No Dex!! That is important as advised by others. And don’t get hit. Parry/heavy and keep the stacks rolling as much as possible. Use the sp3 to get distance in a pinch. Thanks for those who helped!
Good luck with the rest of 6.3! Watch out for the Havok and CAIW. Those fights are tricky.